Letter 2

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WAIT!! I know your probably rolling your eyes right now and laughing. Actually, your probably looking around you for one of your friends to be hiding in the bushes and pop out laughing saying 'Jokes on you!'.   BUT I AM NOT JOKING!! Please, if you can't handle reading this don't throw it away, please just leave it where you found it so that hopefully, some more willing person will stumble across it.

However, if you are that person who is still reading and hasn't put it down yet I thank you profusely. You don't know just how much your reading this means to me. Thank you.

Anyhow, your probably wanting more details right? I am not very good at explaining things so I can imagine that your still very confused. Well, let me begin the story in full detail. Mind you, its not going to be short, and some parts are probably going to make you throw the book away and tell it of as a hoax, but please, if you stick with it, you could very well help save us all. Please, our world, your world, will NEVER be the same if things aren't fixed. Okay, I'm going to start now.

February 12, _ _ _ _

It was all anyone was talking about. For the billionth time today another one of my friends walked up to me and asked the same annoying question of "Did you hear the news?!?" My eyes sharpened and I glared moodily at them. Oh course I had heard it! Everyone in the entire universe had heard about it. I'm pretty sure that the only ones who didn't hear about it where the dead. I took a deep breath and smiled irritatedly at my friend, in a fake syrupy voice I chirped, "News? What news? Ooo! Tell me, tell me!"

My friend stared wide eyed at me, "You didn't hear?" her eyes grew bigger, "How could you not have? it's every where!" I snorted and rolled my eyes. She glanced curiously at me, but continued with her story, "They announced it on the TV this morning right before we went to school! It's completely unbelievable! They, OH! I just am so excited they announced.."

I cut her off, "They announced that someone built a working time machine."

"YES!" she squealed jumping up and down. Suddenly she stopped, titled her head and glared at me. "Wait! You knew!" she accused, "Why did you let me rant on if you knew."

I patted her on the head and smiled, "Because I wanted to see how excited you were."

She huffed, but soon returned to jumping up and down and squealing. "I'm just sew excited!" (she didn't actually say sew. She said so but she said it so chipperly that it sounded like sew)

I laughed and dragged her down the hall behind me. "Why? Why is everyone so excited? Sure, it's cool that they invented a time machine, but it's not like we are going to be able to go into it. There's only one, and the UN said that they are keeping it strictly monitored. Basically what they were saying is that a few genius history geeks will be let in, and a few wealthy stuck up people who will buy their way into it. It's really not going to change anything, in fact, it will probably just make our life more miserable because they'll find out that the history we've been taught is incorrect and we'll have to take it al over again." I huffed and threw my hands up into the air for emphasis.

My friend burst out laughing and doubled over, "Sometimes your too funny, Grace!" she wheezed in between laughs.

I sulked and slumped over. "I wasn't joking," I mumbled.

She only continued to laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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