Chapter 5

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"Oh... hey there buddy." I awkwardly said giving a half wave to the random guy sitting on Luke’s bed playing video games. I’m not going to lie, he was very attractive.

"Oh no way! Call of Duty?! Dude this is my game!" I exclaimed grabbing the controller off the bed before he could say anything.

I resumed the game and started playing with him. He just shrugged his shoulders and continued playing. I heard Addie calling Luke but I was in game mode right now. I beat him in the first match and we were just about to play another one when Luke, Addie, Tayler and Riley barged in.

We all froze as we stared at each other. "Well I guess you met James then Jaz." Luke stated motioning to the boy sitting next to me.

"Hello my name is Jazlyn but you can call me Jaz. Like Jazz hands." I simply said turning towards the boy and sticking out my hand.

"James." He replied shaking my hand.

I nodded at him and turned back towards Luke.

"Yeah we just met." I grinned.

"Obviously." Addie stated.

"Ahhh the monster!" I yelled jumping over Luke’s bed and onto the other side.

"Bu-but I thought we-e had a t-thing together." Addie stuttered fake crying onto Luke’s shoulder.

"Oh, Aye-Dee-Dee! I lub you!" I cried jumping on top of her. She pushed me off of her and sat on top of me. "Well I guess I deserve this." I stated lying on the floor.

"So why are you guys here again?" Luke asked sitting back down on his bed.

"Other than to beat me at my own game." James added looking at me. I just smirked and shrugged my shoulders from underneath Addie.

"Isn’t it obvious?" Tayler questioned gesturing to our outfits. A glint reached Luke’s eyes as he came to realization.

"Ah, man hunt." He said nodding his head. He then headed towards his dresser and pulled out a bunch of clothes.

He threw black shorts and a black shirt at James and pulled some on himself.

"What’s man hunt?" James asked while slipping on the clothes.

"Britain’s." Addie and I said shaking our head.

"Okay, it’s pretty much like tag and hide and seek. Everyone dresses in all black and there’s teams. One team counts the other hides. If you get caught you have to sit out and if there’s only one person left from your team then we switch. If your whole team makes it safe then we go again." Addie explained getting off of me and sitting criss cross on the floor.

"Since there’s six of us well do three on three." I said after I finished counting everyone. I sat down on the spinney chair by Luke’s desk and spun around.

"I’m captain!" Tayler exclaimed raising her hand.

"I’m captain!" Addie and I said at the same time. We instantly glared at each other and narrowed our eyes.

"Actually you can be captain babe. I was captain last time." I said standing up.

She grinned and stood up as well. "Les' bounce bruvs!" I yelled running out the bedroom. While I was running down the stairs I was suddenly pushed. Hands grabbed me as we went tumbling down the stairs. Once we hit the bottom, Addie and I were a tangled mess.

"Well, fancy meeting you here." Addie smiled down at me.

"The feeling is mutual." I replied pushing her off me.

"I will never understand you too." Luke chuckled shaking his head. Once we were all outside, Addie and Tayler picked their team. I, of course, was on Addie's team along with James, and Tayler had Riley and Luke.

"Let the games begin." I announced in an over exaggerated accent raising both hands.

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