She's A Wolf And I Like It When She Bites Me (chapter 12)

Start from the beginning

"Dahvie" I sighed "you're never going to get a girlfriend or a steady relationship if you keep getting drunk and bringing home all these one night stands" I said seriously.

"I know" He sighed.

"Promise you'll stop." I said.

"I promise." He said.

"Good boy" I said patting his head "Now go kick the whore out while I take a shower." I said grabbing a couple pieces of bacon and rushing up the stairs.

I slipped off my clothes and got in the shower. I let the hot water run down my body. I washed my hair and the rest of me. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I washed the left over makeup that I had neglected to take off last night off of my face. I put on my makeup. A ring of eyeliner. I didn't bother to put in contacts, Phoenix is always telling me how pretty my natural eye color is. I just put in my clear contacts so I could see.

I walked to my room which was right across the hall from the upstairs bathroom. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair. I put it to the side and slightly spiked it. I went to my closet, and grabbed my American flag skinny jeans, a black long sleeved shirt, I threw on my leather jacket and zipped it up. As you can see, I'm not very prepared for winter. I live in Arizona for fuck sake. It's been 2 1/2 hours so Phoenix should be here soon. I slipped on my gloves and walked down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Dahvie asked playfully.

"Outside to wait on Phoenix." I replied simply.

"I wanna go" He whined.

I sighed and drug him up the stairs I drug him to his room and stripped him to his boxers.

"Woah man. You have a girlfriend." He said.

I rolled my eyes and just continued what I was doing. "Sit'' I said pointing to the bed. He did as I said. I smiled and walked to his closet I grabbed his ankle length black skinny jeans and his only long sleeved shirt, his black vans and his hoody. I grabbed some black gloves and went back to Dahvie. I dressed him and picked out his clothes because I knew it's take him hours to do. I brushed through his hair and slightly teased it I made sure it was perfect and grabbed his makeup. I made a thick-ish ring of eyeliner around his eye and drug him back down the stairs without saying anything.

"Damn that's faster than I would've gone." He said as we reached the door.

"I know that's why I did it." I replied simply as we walked out the door.

We got outside and it was freezing.

"Damn" I muttered as the cold air hit me.

Soon Jeffree's car bulled up in the driveway.

"Jayy!" Phoenix squealed as she jumped out of the car.

"Phoenix!" I yelled picking her up and kissing her.

"You saw each other two days ago. Chill out." Dahvie said.

"Fuck off, I'm happy." I said playfully.

"Watch your mouth Monroe." He said. "I might just have to take that girl away from you." He said smirking.

"You're gonna have to catch me to get her." I said.

"Is that a challenge?" He asked with an evil smirk.

"Maybe it is Vanity."

"You've done it now little bitch!" He screamed playfully and started chasing me.

I tightened my grip on Phoenix, now holding her bridal style. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held on for dear life.

"I swear to god if you drop me." She growled.

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