Chapter 6 - Compelled Saviour

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~Ally's POV;~

What's going on? Where am I? What happened? My eyes opened slowly to answer my questions, and as I found an unfamiliar ceiling staring back down at me I tried to blink away the haziness across my eyes. Throughout the throbbing heaviness of my head I lifted it with as much strength as I could to see lit candles surrounding me, and with sudden panic I jerked forward to get up. As I tried to pull away my body uncontrollably slammed back down onto the table, and my wrists throbbed in response. I frowned with confusion and glanced at my wrists to find them tied up with rope and pinned down, like I'm about to be tortured. Probably jinxed it now. Great. Desperate to get out of this creepy room I tugged at the ropes that were uncomfortably tight around my wrists and legs, and as I did I glanced around and called out calmly "Hello? Hello!" As I looked down at my tied up legs I complained weakly to myself "What the hell is this?" If this is Damon's way of spicing up the relationship then I'm not going to complain.

"It's something that has to be done." A woman then announced from over my shoulder as she walked round into my view, and yet as she did she still appeared unfamiliar. Who the hell is she? I frowned at her through my dazed confusion as she pulled out a knife and stated "The name's Gloria." She glanced at me sympathetically for a moment, and then continued with guilt "I wish I weren't the one who had to do this, but we can't let Klaus make any hybrids. The balance of nature must remain intact." Another witch. Perfect. I squirmed on the table with as much strength as I could, but the heavy loss of blood earlier has made me even more weak than I already was, and the recent blow to the head hasn't done me any favours. "Oh come on, the balance of nature is already ruined." I moaned with an amused grin crawling upon my lips, and then I glanced up at her as she approached me slowly. "I mean, how is it natural for people like you to have all that power? That's right... It's not." She smiled bitterly at my opinion of her as she set the knife down on the table beside us, and she answered with twisted modesty "We use our powers only for good, and we protect our surroundings." With lack of restraint I scoffed loudly at her lies, and then after a moment I argued through the reoccuring drowsiness "And yet you're about to kill me. Good set of morals you have there." Gloria glanced out of the window and continued determinedly "Like I said, in order to protect the rest of us, your life has to be taken. If Klaus makes hybrids we will all be servants to his army, and I can't have that. If I can do anything to prevent that from happening, then I will. If your life has to be sacrificed to spare the dozens of others, then that's what has to be done." She walked around the table to stand closer then leaned over threateningly above my head as I avoided passing out, and stared right back up at her. "You're one to talk about good morals. A lot of witches and warlocks have died; they were good people." Gloria explained calmly with sudden harshness in her voice, and disappointment in her eyes. "You killed them in cold blood without hesitation." I lifted up a little from the table and argued desperately, feeling my wrists and ankles throb at my tugging against the ropes, "They were trying to kill me!" Gloria's lips pressed into a thin line as she hesitated for a moment, and then eventually she asked with confusion "Does that still condone murder? Does that wash away the blood on your hands?" Suddenly her cold fingers were against the temples of my head, and instantly every moment of the past two months shudder back before my eyes in a painful replay of flashbacks. I squeezed my eyes tight shut and slammed back down onto the table as Gloria forced the painful memories through my head, and the awful sound collage of last breaths through my eardrums.

"You know, for such a young girl," Gloria said whilst I sobbed quietly underneath her possession as the awful buried memories started to resurface. "You've been through one hell of a journey."

Every moment of my life flashed before my eyes in a cascade of running memories, and they made my body sink deeper into the table underneath me. "So much death, so much sadness, and a hell of a lot of anger... And there's the guy of your dreams," Gloria narrated sympathetically as Damon flashed before my eyes, and every kiss flicked past like pages of a book. "Damon Salvatore. You love him, and everyday you wonder why on earth he's with a girl as ordinary as you." I struggled underneath her hold on my head, and squirmed urgently as she filtered through my every thought and feeling. "His charm is compelling I've got to admit." Gloria continued whilst deep in concentration. "But there's a lot of danger, a lot of flaws, and yet you accept them with a brush of the hand because the human in him would do anything for you, and he has. In return you do the same. His intolerant attitude towards his villains has inspired this toughness in you, and despite being a lethargic human you're still fighting each day... But then there's your best friend," She grew tense and her fingers dug deeper into my skin as she continued with surprise "Stefan Salvatore. You know him, and he knows you. He's been off serving Klaus, and without him you don't know what to do with yourself. His pure heart has suffered a lot of torment and pain, and all you've ever wanted to do was heal him of that. A lot of thoughts of him, a lot of feelings, and a bond rooted right to your soul. A lot of affection but a lot of darkness, and a lot of guilt. You care so much about him, and your compassion inspired from him blinds you to his flaws." Gloria exhaled and after a moment dug deeper as she continued "This then leads to your own personal flaws. That rage. Passed down from ancestors driving adrenaline through your veins, and if someone threatens to harm you or a loved one in any way, you'll put them down. Just like you did to those other warlocks and witches." Grunts of pain and struggle echoed through my head as I felt my strength, and my last bits of energy begin to drain away at the overwhelming flood of memories. Gloria pulled sharply away, releasing my head of the pressure she was forcing down on me, and as she walked over to the table next to us I exhaled slowly and pleaded weakly "Just let me go. Please." Very rarely I beg for my life to be spared, but today I know I'm not strong enough to escape this, or fight Gloria. I've lost a lot of blood, and I'm completely weak.

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