♡CHAPTER 2♡ Eyes NextDoor

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"I can't believe you actually asked my brother that." Alexis says stuffing her mouth full of popcorn. We were currently in my room watching episodes of Pretty Little Liars. I bit a huge chunk out of my cookies and cream Hershey's bar.

"Well if a special someone didn't put me on the spot, maybe I would've been just fine." I say to her with bits of my chocolate bar flying out of my mouth.

"Okay, first say it don't spray it and second, I could've told you the answer to your question." I looked at her with a puzzled but slightly disgusted look.

"Okay that really gross Alexis."


"Alexis, you have problems. You-" Alexis cut me off.

"No. Sara, what I meant was that he has an collection of superhero underwear." I look at her with a relieved expression, but then her words hit me. My crush has superhero undies.

"He has superhero undies?!" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah. I just said that."

"Aww that's so cute." I say in awe. Alexis shook her head in disbelief and disappointment.

"Only you Sara, only you."


Turn left. Turn right. Tossing. Turning.
I groan in irritation as I tried my best to fall asleep. Reason one was because Alexis foot was in my face, not to mention she was taking up all the room in the bed. Reason two was because it felt like I was being cooked in a overheated oven. I lazily looked down at Alexis who was sleeping like a crazy caveman. I shook my head as I Iaugh silently. I sighed crawling out of bed, carefully moving Alexis's foot aside. I got out of bed walking down stairs to get a cup of water. When I finally made my glass of water I walked over to the living room window to look at the night sky. My eyes swift towards the abandoned house next door. I wonder why no one would buy it, I mean its not bad looking, it could use a bit of fixing but other than that its in good condition. As my thoughts wonder I saw the curtains that belong to the abandoned house move. I moved closer to the window squinting my eyes trying to clear my vision. A pair of eyes peeks through the window looking back at mines. I screamed dropping my glass, it was loud enough to wake up the whole house. The room flooded with light.

"Honey are you ok?!" My mother ask with concern. My father look at me with a worried but slightly drowsy face.

"What going on?" Alexis asked tiredly rubbing her eyes.

"E-eyes. I saw eyes." I told them in shocked.

"Sweetheart what are you talking about?" my father asked.

"N-next door, I saw eyes in the window."

"Honey maybe your just tired." my mother said. I know what I saw, there was eyes in the window. I thought to myself.

"Just go back to bed and we will talk about this in the morning." my father told me rubbing my back calming me down.

I sighed "Ok." I agreed.
Alexis and I walked back to my room.

"Are you ok?" she asks me with concern.

"Yeah I'll tell you tomorrow." I told her climbing in bed with Alexis following behind me. I fell asleep still not getting over what just happened.
Hi. Just wanted to remind you to vote and comment because it means the world to me. Loveyou.

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