Chapter 4

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I (again) like last time apologise for not updating earlier but you must be aware that because I am now a year 10 student (since September) that I’ll be taking foundation papers/higher tier next year for being in an express group (a class for brainy peeps and I ain’t bragging. I only got moved in after taking the entrance exam in yr 7) so I won’t be able to update much soon and probably at the most only be able to update once a month, so please do not pester me since it’ll put quite a bit of pressure on me. Plus I had my piano exam.  But now… I AM FREE! Christmas break! So hopefully I’d be able to update more this month (as a late Christmas present).

I sincerely apologise for my long hiatus, gomennasai //bows

Anyway, enough of the talking! Here are some messages for my dear reviewers!

Skittlezrthebest- Lol really? Awesome that you’re enjoying the story! Sorry for VERY long wait

Readmysorys- Here’s your long awaited update

Danideese- Okay okay, calm down //inches away. Here’s your update! 


A/Ns are in BOLD

Thoughts are in Italic bold

Disclaimer: I do not own OHSHC or its’ characters nor anything you recognise. 


Chapter 4

~2 days later, the night of the sakura matsuri/cherry blossom festival~

No one’s POV

It’s now around six pm as the host club parked the limo outside the Nekozawa residence, a considerably very large mansion to Haruhi’s eyes and otherwise, ordinary/average sized to the others. The gang walked up to the front door and onto the porch just as the door swung open to reveal the forever eerie Umehito Nekozawa, holding onto his ‘cursed’ puppet, Beelzenef. This caused quite a panic on Tamaki’s behalf and made him hide behind Haruhi and annoying her with his childish behaviour.

“Greetings, what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you here?” he asked in his creepy voice, his bangs covering his eyes as usual.

“W-we’re here to pick up Miyuki-chan for the Sakura matsuri tonight, Nekozawa-san” Shizuka stuttered quietly, slightly creeped out by her friend’s older brother. The twins, Natsumi and Tamaki gazed at her, awed by her ‘braveness’, making the poor girl feel even more uncomfortable than before and for everyone else except Umehito to sweat drop at the foursome’s admiring looks.

“Ne, Nii-sama, please don’t scare my friends any more than you already did” Miyuki broke the silence as she appeared in the doorway behind her brother, in the kimono the twins had picked out for her. Her entrance was almost as dramatic as Tamaki’s would have usually been with roses but instead, was surrounded by white lilies and purple freesias, whilst her pose was of her with a sleeve covering half of her face in a shy manner with her ever present Suka-chan in her free hand, dangling loosely towards the marble floor (a/n: basically like Hunny when he had a flowery kimono on but only covering her face with one arm). Her appearance made the two Haninozuka brothers, blush unknowingly, their breaths knocked out of them.

“Oka-san said you got to be back by 10pm… and if you don’t come back on time, imouto, I’ll hunt down your little friends and pay them a small visit with my precious Beelzenef…” he trailed off, chuckling eerily. By the end of his speech, Tamaki was physically shaking in fright and Natsumi wasn’t far off from him, biting her fingernails off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2012 ⏰

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