Chapter 1

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Mikayla P.O.V

Home 6:30 am

Sept-29 Friday

Bring! Bring

My alarm clock went off it was 6:00 and I didn't really want to go to school but I didn't have a choice. I got out of bed grabbed my lotion, some panties, and my Betty boop bra and headed to take a shower. When I got out the bathroom it was 6:30 and school starts at 7:04. I lotion up then got dressed wearing sweat pants again. I wore sweat pants only because its Friday and on Fridays if you wear sweat pants nothing bad will happen. I know I'm crazy don't need to rub it in. I walked downstairs to the kitchen to eat my bacon, eggs, and waffles. I seen my mom setting the table I went over to her to give her a hug then sat down. I sat at the table and somewhat played with my food. I had a lot and when I say a lot I mean a lot of thoughts running through my mind. Most important will I be safe? I've got to get to learn how to get over my compulsions before it ruins my life worst then it has. My thoughts was interrupted by my parents.

" You okay sweetie? " My mom asked with concern in her eyes.

My mom was always the one to worry about me. Where my dad just worried about my reputation and the families name. My parents are nationwide known surgeons and own multiple hospitals.

" Yeah, I'm fine mom." I said forcing a fake smile.

" Kayla you ready for school today?" my father said

" Mhm." I lied without making eye contact.

" Good your going to like this school I should know I went there. That's also where I met your beautiful mother ." He said while kissing my moms cheek.

" Mhm." I said still barley eating and making eye contact.

I left and went upstairs and did my rituals and prayer facing the South-East corner. I grabbed my bag and my phone off the dock I pressed the home button to check the time it was 6:48. I have 6 minutes before the first bell rings and to tell you the truth I'm in no type of rush to get to school. I heard my Father scream for me to come on. I sighed and made my way downstairs to the car I did one quick ritual before i walked out the house. I hopped in the car and took in everything and everyone. We pulled up to this big school and I just stared at everybody laughing with their friends walking in the school. I began to open the door but I froze again. I Finlay opened the door and quickly made my way to the Deans office. I was stopped by the security at the door. I put my ID on the scanner and walked in the main office to see the Dean.

Jaden P.O.V

Calabasas 7:00 am

Sept-29 Friday

I walked into the school with my boys Craig, Chres, Mateo, and Jacob ( Latimore ). I walked to my lockers and the boys went to theirs. I got my Living Environment notebook and proceeded to class. I seen my ex girlfriend Nicole she looked preoccupied with some other guy. She looked at me and I rolled my eyes back at her. What I don't understand is how she going to get mad at me when I talk or chill with other females, but she be kissing guys like they are the fucking cure for cancer. She started to walk a little faster, she grabbed my hand and pulled me around. What does she want now.

" Hey, Jaden you didn't hear me calling you?" She said.

" No I did I just didn't want to answer." I said as I tried to walk away.

" So how is everything, you missed me?"

I really couldn't resist but to smile back. Nicole has one beautiful smile I've seen here.

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