Your Love Is My Kryptonite.

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New Story! This one, I'll actually finish as long as I get enough fans, votes, reads and comments for it to succeed! So please just Comment, Vote and Fan!

Ohh and I'm considering entering this into the Watty's so let me know if it's good enough!

It was dark and cold outside; we could barely see where we were going.

To be honest I didn’t even know where we were going all I knew was that we had to keep running. We had to run to survive.

I saw trees and more trees and I could just feel myself slowing down. I couldn’t do this anymore, I had to stop running. And so I did. I stopped running and tried to catch my breath.

Matt who was running in front of me stopped running too and run over to me.

“Lizzie come on we need to keep running!”

“I. I can’t.”

“Yes you can come on!”

Matt took my hand and together we started running again.

He held me tight not willing to let me go, but then I didn’t see where I was running and tripped over something letting Matt’s hand go.

I tripped and fell in the dirt. I winced in pain as I tried to stand up but failed.

Matt soon run over to me.

“Lizzie what’s wrong?”

“It’s my ankle I think it’s broken, I can’t stand on it.”

“S.h! t. How long till it heals?”

“5 minutes maybe.”

“We don’t have that long!”

We were both quiet now and I looked at Matt trying to find a way to get out of here as fast as possible. As we were quiet I heard noises coming from bushes near us

“Matt go without me.”

He widened his eyes and gave me a shocked look.

“No way!”

“Matt they’re coming, if you don’t go they’ll get you! I can’t run! I’ll try to catch up with you when I can, but you go now!”

“Lizzie you know they will get to you before your ankle heals! I’m not leaving you here!”

I looked around me as I sensed them near us.

“Just go!”

Matt picked me up.

“Never without you, hold on tight.”

I did as he said and then he started running again. But I couldn’t ignore the noises from the bushes coming closer to us.

I quickly opened my eyes as I felt something hit my head, something soft.

I looked on my bed and found a soft white blue fluffy pillow.

I then looked in front of my bed and saw Matt standing there with a smirk.

“Good morning.”

I rolled my eyes and could just feel the colour change into violet, like it always did when I was annoyed.

“You couldn’t have found a more annoying way to wake me up?”

He chuckled.

“I didn’t think you’d wake up if I woke you up the normal way.”

“I was sleeping. Not dead!”

He smiled.

“I’m sorry okay?”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2011 ⏰

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