Class is now in session

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AN: Sorry these chapters are kind of far apart but my school has been getting kind of intense. Thanks to DreamGirl4LongILive for the message, it really encouraged me to continue writing!

Also happy holidays! Whatever you celebrate, or if you dont even celebrate anything, I hope you enjoy some time off, fingers crossed! And get to relax while reading my lovely chapter!

Okey Dokey,  enough talking, heres the chapter! Enjoy and dont forget to comment, fan, and vote, it means a lot!


"ALL RISE!" the Carrow screetched and in unison all of the students snapped to a standing attention. The class was so silent you could here a pin drop, thats an accomplishment with a room full of 16 year olds.

"Today we will have a very special guest speaker. One you will treat with the utmost respect. Welcome, Ms. Sara Riddle." it said.

There were several gasps and everyones head immediately spun to look at the door. Little did they know I was there standing right in front of them, invisible.

"Be seated!" I said simply, in my "authoritative" voice. Everyone sat down immediately, but they still looked around unable to identify where my voice had sounded from. I smirked at their ignorance and looked for Draco. He was sitting in the back. His hands were casually crossed across his chest and he leaned back comfortably in his chair, as if he didnt have a care in the world. Which, I guess, he didn't.

"Magic can help you accomplish most anything your heart desiares. It can make your friends happy and it can make your enemies suffer."  I said, before revealing where I was standing casually leaning against the teacher's desk, poised in the front of the classroom. My brothers followed suit and revealed where they were standing in the aisles, and the class collectively gasped.

"Those who say that magic is not a gift are wrong and those who say that we shouldn't use our gift are kidding themselves. Magic allows you to do, to be, to have anything you want with just a snap of your fingers. Most people say that turning invisible without a cloak of invisibility is impossible but I just proved them wrong."

"Now..." I contiuned. "This takes some practice. I have been practicing magic since I uttered my first word and, as many of you know, magic runs strong through my veins. My magic has been in my family for centuries and is one of the most powerful things this world, and any other, has ever seen." I said, fighting the urge to roll my eyes with every overconfindent word that escapes my lips.

I pause, push off the desk and begin to walk around. I scan the students and all of them, even Draco, seemed to be pulled into my little speech, and my smirk grew.

"Magic is power. You can do anything with it; and if someone says you cant then you should find a way to do it anyway. These halls are full of somewhat bright students. If you listen to these teachers I've brought in to teach the you could be the one to discover how to bring people back from the dead or kill your enemies with a look. You could be the next Albus Dumbledore, or Lord Voldemort." I finish and one Slytherin's hand shoots up.

"Can I help you?" I ask, this time not having to fake the annoyance.

"I thought you hated Dumbledore." the annoyance said, her big eyes wide.

"Listen and listen carefully," I say, stalking forward. "MY father is the one who hated Dumbledore. Not I. I believed he was just as great, maybe even greater, a wizard then everyone said. There is a difference between my father and I. You'll kindly remember that." I spit the last sentance at her before spinning my heel and going back to the front.

The rest of the class I teach how to duel, and I had to admit, I was kind of enjoying myself. Though towards the end of class I was beginning to get bored with how easy the duels seemed to be, and the fact that to level the playing field I had to say all of my spells aloud. Then an idea hit me.

"Levicorupus," I whispered and the student I was duelling was suddenly dangeling from the ceiling with a gag in his mouth.

"Sonorus" I mutter then once it takes effect I use my now magnified voice to announce my idea. "PAUSE! EVERYONE STOP! STOOOOP!"

Once all the dueling has ceased I remove the charm from my voice and call Emmitt up to the dueling mat with me.

"Now you guys are going to see what a real duel looks like." I say, grinning evily.

We both come to the middle of the mat and shoo the students back to their desks. Once they are all seated we agree to speak all of our spells aloud for the benefit of the class and shake hands. We shot each other maniacal grins as we stepped our designated 10 steps apart and then faced each other.

" going to be fun." I say and Emmitt just grins wider.

Draco then begins to count us off, ""

"DEPRIMO!" I shout and send a huge gust of wind at my brother, but he easily deflects it.

"LEVICORPUS!!" Emmitt yells, but I easily dodge that too. We go back and forth both trying to beat the others defenses for a few minutes. I pull some of my perhaps more secret spells out and soon I'm cornering Emmitt on the stair case. I have in blocked, almost in a corner, when he yells "Glisseo" and we both slide down what used to be the stairs.

We're back to evenly matched duelling. We fight for several minutes more before we lock up face to face. Then, before I can even think, Emmitt whispers, "Orchideous" and flowers pop out of the end of his wand. He gets down on one knee and jokingly offers me the flowers as a peace offering which I accept with more than a few chuckles in the back ground.

"And thats how you duel." I announce, a little bit out of breath. "Class dismissed."

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