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   Chapter two. 

            My mouth finally started moving, but I wish I had said something other than "your name is Iambob?"

            His shoulder lifted and he smiled. "Everything I thought of was taken."

            "Tell me about it," I grumbled. 

            For a moment I just looked at him before blinking. This wasn’t normal, was it? He was a stranger, and we were currently engaged in a staring contest – through a computer screen. What was wrong with me?

            "So... I'm guessing you don't just randomly add people then?" he asked, his dimple forming again. “How do you know if you would even be accepted? Though curiosity is a main part, probably, since you’re called LittleHamster.”

            "No, I don't," I said, sighing. "I must have put in my friend's username wrong, or something. Though, you did accept the call even though you don't know who I am. And no, I don’t just randomly add people."

            "Like I said, curiosity won hands down, I was curious as to who this LittleHamster was," he pointed out, grinning. 

            Feeling a smile tug at my lips, I shook my head. "You've seen who I am, are you impressed?" I asked then my eyes widened. You cannot ask a stranger that, especially a guy! "Wait-"

            "I have to admit I am," he said, not giving me a chance to protest. "I honestly thought you were going to be an old man. I’m definitely more pleased it’s you rather than an old man."

            My nose scrunched up and I looked down at my clothes - an old man probably took better care of himself. Now I really wished I had changed my clothes. "At least I'm not," I agreed though I sounded slightly miserable.

            Iambob laughed and leaned back in his chair. "Okay, what's wrong? You can let off some steam to a complete stranger, it's not like we'll see each other again."

            As I looked at him, the small dimples and the way his eyes reflected the light, I felt like I could tell him my problems - but that would be a lot to unload onto a stranger, a cute stranger. I shook my head and just smiled slightly back at him. "I don't think you want to hear my story."

            "Maybe, maybe not; we won't know until you tell me," he countered, the corner of his lips lifting. He was adorable. Too adorable, I thought as I ran my eyes over the small amount of him I could see. How did I get so lucky to video chat with him?

            "Sorry," I said, shrugging. "Maybe another time."

            "You want to talk again?"

            My eyes met his – well, we both just looked at the general area of each other's eyes on the screen – and I didn't say anything for a moment, just looked at him. 

            "Maybe, maybe not," I said vaguely, but I could feel the smile on my face. 


            "Riley, can you get you go to the shop for me?" my mom called up the stairs. "I need some milk and bread."

            My fingers hesitated over the keyboard, the words drifting to an end without any full stop. "Give me a moment," I called back, trying to get my fingers to move again but they wouldn't. I sighed, the moment was gone, and I had lost the idea. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2012 ⏰

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