(14/30) I Have To

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Sorry for leaving off on such a cliffhanger :/ meeeup.....i have a lot of things to do, so i decided, hey, TIME TO PROCRASTINATE!


"Hey, Ashley, what's up?!" Robin smiled wide, holding out her arms in a huge hug.

I glared at her, trying to see if eye-lasers were a real thing, "No."

She rolled her amber eyes and turned around, expecting me to follow. Her elbow-length, red hair was flowing in small curls all around her. Watching her small, thin figure walk away, I followed inside her house, closing the white door behind me.

I never knew how we could be sisters. We are polar opposites. She's always so happy and cheerful, and I'm always sarcastic and witty, if I do say so myself. She has red-orange hair; I have dark brown. Robin has amber eyes; I have strawberry-purple.

"Why do you need me here?" I growled.

"Look, I need someone to help me with an interview," she smiled at me, racing to her room.

I followed inside, leaning against the door-frame. She started picking up clothes.

"What kind of help do you need?" I hissed.

"Sheesh, calm down," she said, pouting, "I need help with my outfit. What should I wear? I'm thinking 'you want to hire me', but how does THAT even sound like?!"

My eyes widened in anger, "So you're telling me that I went here to give you FASHION ADVICE?!!"

She nodded, giggling.

"You.....I'm leaving...." I huffed, anger boiling up inside of me.

"You can't leave!" she whined.

"Oh yeah! I can't leave. You have to pay me first!!" I yelled.

She rolled her eyes at me and pulled out her wallet, handing me a few hundreds, "How do you expect to live on your own with this much?"

"How do you have this much in your- never mind that. I'll live," I groaned, swapping the wad from her hand.

"Sure, sure. I'll be here when you run out of money again," she rolled her eyes.

"You know, if you keep rolling your eyes, they're going to get stuck," I said, making my way from the door to the front door.

"W-Wait, what?!" she squeaked.

Closing the door, I walked outside. The trees were adorned with no leaves this time of year. Breathing in the fresh air, I kept walking.

After a mile or two (my feet huuuuuurt!) and a rip in my jeans, I made it to a newspaper stand and paid for one.

Opening it up, I found the Classifieds. Maybe I'll find an apartment here. I'll show her. I can make it better off than her. I'm the older sister. I have to.


I have an idea good god don't worry. oh well. like it?

And I'm actually really glad other people like it. but the thing is: it wasn't for you. it was for mara.

I didn't even try to make this a fan book, it was a, well, Mara-book. Thanks for liking it so much omg i mean it's not even good i don't like it at all how can you love this and want me to update it, i'm so confused.

Love you.

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