Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


This elegant, beautiful building is the hinge between the above and below, the emperor's abode tying both sides of the mirror's veil together. It is the one place where a man can stand and see the true geography of the land, touch upon the reality of this city. I know this from more than simply Drake's memory. I know this because people are shouting it in the corridor outside my room.

I blink blearily, momentarily confused with the world. We had tried to sleep but there's no rest while nations battle against the end of the world.

Drake snaps upright, immediately attentive. It's the dead of night and Geraint and Ella are nowhere to be seen. He's all I have.

"What's happening?" I ask of the man who clutches at my shoulder, shaking me awake.

"The lower side burns," he says, "Null's gone and there's looting."

Looting, I wonder incredulously. The Viper rises and all that concerns these people is the void left by one man. Yet... I have claimed this city, however inadvertently, and it is my responsibility to keep it standing.

We cannot allow anarchy if we are to defeat the Viper, Drake reminds as I roll determinedly out of bed, snatching the mask of leather and steel from where it rests at my side.

"Where is Geraint?" I ask glaring at this man I do not know.

"The Jester does as he pleases," he says, as if this is an answer.

I cannot explain what it is about having tough leather in my hand but it makes me so much more serpent, more certain.

"No," I say, striding from the room, "the Jester is a man of honour."

In reality, the previous question was not necessary. Geraint and I are of the same serpent court, he's a part of Ella, Ella's a part of Drake and Drake's a part of me. We are tied intimately together, all four of us, and all it takes is a moment's concentration to find them both. They're already gone from the building, rushing into the chaos of the city below.

You left us behind? I wonder and despite his concentration on the task at hand, Geraint picks up on the thought immediately.

This is the Mirror City, Kia, what do you know of this place? He replies but cannot stop Ella's concern from seeping through behind the words. I smile, vowing to prove him wrong.

I continue to stride along the corridor. People stream past in borderline panic until I slowly place the leather mask upon my face and secure it with a knot. The atmosphere doesn't change instantly but change it does. Now, instead of rushing by without a second glance, they slow as they notice me, dropping their pace down to match my steady gait. I gain an entourage and it grows in number by the second.

It must be very obvious to these people that I am not the same man that led them yesterday but they are more practiced in the ways of their city than I and the only whispers I hear pertain to the presence of the mask itself and not the slender girl behind it. War. That's what this single artefact means, without an ounce of doubt. In reality, Drake, as one of the scarily few remaining serpents in the city, causes more of a stir than I.

I have never travelled so deep into the heart of this massive building before but we follow the memories of other dragons, winding confidently along pathways built for beasts as large as houses. The mask sits heavy over my features. I have worn it but twice now and every time it touched my face it was with a thoughtless movement. Not once have I made consideration of what it means, of the responsibilities I wear along with it. This time, however, I do not regret the decision.

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