Love is Overrated

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❝And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about.❞

— Haruki Murakami



Welcome to Rezchester High School, where the smartest girl of the school gets into a catastrophic situation in which she breaks the bad boy's heart with impeccable force!

Dating boys from different schools or just dating, in general, was never in Neveah Gaviola's best interest, but to her best friend, it was. To be more specific, her best friend, Rhia, from another high school somehow wounded up in a relationship with Rezchester's most cliché bad boy out there. It all seemed like it came straight from a teen fiction book with Rhia being "in love" with Zion. The quiet girl who sits in the back of the class meets the bad boy with an iconic leather jacket.

That's until Zion breaks up with Rhia, resulting in a heartbroken girl calling Neveah around midnight and lack of beauty sleep. What happens when Rhia rambles on about how Zion took their relationship for granted and how he never felt feelings for her? Neveah's never the one to interfere in a lover's quarrel, but it's time for someone to put Zion Marcel in his rightful place. Especially if he decides to mess with Neveah's best friend, thinking he can get away with it easily.

How hard could it be to break someone's heart? Her acting skills are put to the test when she needs to lie about her feelings regarding Zion. Surely, Neveah isn't falling for Zion, but she definitely isn't prepared for broken friendships and a storm full of secrets.

Love is overrated, so why not break the bad boy's heart?


Neveah Gaviola puts Marina and the Diamonds' "How to Be a Heartbreaker" on repeat in order to successfully carry out the plan of breaking Zion Marcel's heart. Especially reading multiple teen fiction stories on Wattpad to attain some knowledge of how a "good girl" should act to gain the attention of the bad boy. Or does Zion already have his eyes set on Neveah?



This story of mine will probably fail like the rest of my stories and I'll just go on another hiatus. Honestly, how do writers make their stories so successful? Lord bless their souls, while I sit on my couch trying to revive my account with another story.

But anyways, I think I listened to Lauv and Troye Sivan's "i'm so tired..." too much to the point where I realized that I am, indeed, so tired of love songs. Literally, I put this song on when I'm in the shower and my brother questions why I keep screaming out the lyrics like I'm heartbroken. Perhaps it's the reason why I created this? I'm so tired of love. (See what I did there? No? Okay...)

Give this story a shot? Who knows, maybe you'll end up liking it more than I do.

There's lowkey a twist that's going to happen in the book, so watch out!

Started: February 23, 2019

Ended: N/A

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