What is LGBTQIAP+?

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On our profile, the acronym LGBTQIAP+ stands for:

■  L: Lesbian.

■  G: Gay.

■  B: Bisexual.

■  T: Transgender.

■  Q: Queer/Questioning.

■  I: Intersex.

■  A: Asexual/Aromantic.

■  P: Pansexual.

■  +: Everything else under our huge umbrella!

Most people are aware of what the first 4 letters in LGBTQ+ stand for, but the Q and a lot of the other identifications and orientations are often not that well known/understood

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Most people are aware of what the first 4 letters in LGBTQ+ stand for, but the Q and a lot of the other identifications and orientations are often not that well known/understood.

This chapter looks at definitions associated with the sexuality spectrum, romantic preferences, gender identities, and expression (including cross-dressing), Two-Spirited individuals, and individuals who are intersex.

We have created an alphabetical overview of some of the more known and commonly used terms. However, do note that this is not an exhaustive or finite list and just because we didn't list them here does not exclude them from LGBTQIAP+.

When it comes to attraction, there are basically 3 types: sexual, romantic, and aesthetic.

A lot of the terms below will talk about sexual orientations, e.g. homosexual. However, the same prefixes apply to pure romantic orientations, e.g. homoromantic


Agender, Gender Neutral, and Gender Neutrois

Terms used to describe those who do not identify with the mainstream gender binary, assign themselves no gender, or who may wish to alter their physical selves to match. There is often an accompanying individual preference for gender-neutral pronouns (like they/their) and honorifics (like Mx).


A term used by people who are sexually attracted to males and/or masculinity. This term is often used by people who do not identify themselves as male or female and are thus not comfortable with terms like gay, lesbian, bi-, hetero-, or homosexual.


Aromantic is a term identifying individuals who feel little to no romantic attraction towards, or little to no desire in engaging in romantic relationships with other people. People who identify as Aromantic often refer to themselves as "Aro".


Asexual is a term identifying individuals who feel little to no sexual attraction towards, or little to no desire in engaging in, sexual behaviors with other people. They may still develop relationships based on emotional or aesthetic attraction. Asexuals may further identify as heteroromantic, homoromantic, biromantic, panromantic, aromantic, etc.. People who identify as Asexual often refer to themselves as "Ace". Individuals who do not feel like they are "fully" asexual may identify as Grey-Asexual (or Grey-A).

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