o | foreword

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Nothing is easy in life. But nothing is impossible.

By- Suganthii



Copyright © Suganthii 2016 SLIVERS OF SILVER

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.


Nope, this story is not R-rated or has any kind of mature content.

But yeah, you can find some grammatical errors or typos.

[Kindly help me by commenting on my errors in the paragraph itself and if you can't then bear it please stop reading because I'll not tolerate any rude comment leashed here!]

|| STATUS ||

This is the first book in the unlimited series: Fine As Wine

Please check out my profile to get more details.

One Chapter Story Published- 27th of May, 2016.

Editing- Done by [ [ thank you a million times ;) ] ], Re-editing done: March 2024.

As Wattpad is soon shutting down the messaging feature, I have made an Instagram page (Well, I had made it long back for digital scrapbooking, but yeah...) for you guys to follow and rant your heart out about how I am being mean with my characters XD

The handle is- aestheticallymusical

P. S. You guys can ping me with other doubts too, like career advice or just to chat. If I am free, I would love to talk to you guys!

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