My soul is always with you

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I have written this fanfic a few months ago as a challenge for myself, but I kept putting of the revision and translation so I could post it, But I finally put myself to work and got to it. It started out as a 30-days writing challenge, but wrote a lot longer on this. I did keep the prompts from the challenge, however, when revising this, I started switching the placing of certain scenes so they are not in the original order anymore. Challenge for you, see if you can find every prompt in the story.


1. "... and I never looked back."
2. "I wish I had taken the train."
3. "Was there any other way to make it happen?"
4. "Surprise!"
5. "What happened? asked my mother."
6. "Since that day, I have not met anyone."
7. "Let's go! I cannot believe what just happened."
8. "And it rained"
9. "You know me so well, still..."
10. "We should have taken another route."
11. "Did you hear that?"
12. "What if..."
13. "Damn! Are you crazy?"
14. "15 years have passed since..."
15. "Stay quiet or I will..."
16. "Perfect!"
17. "Why are you so nervous?"
18. "I did it!"
19. "... and the guests leave the house."
20. "It is never enough."
21. "Who wrote that?"
22. "Did you ever think about that..."
23. "... and the curtains fall."
24. "...even if I leave..."
25. "Hello, are you still there?"
26. "You won't believe..."
27. "Please! Do nog ever..."
28. "What is that?"
29. "... and they left us behind."
30. "Will you be..."

resource: @thirtydarts; 30-day short story challenge


Ash Lynx
1983 - New York

"Sa-yo-na-ra," Ash tries to mimic the sounds Eiji has just produced as best he can. He had never thought of learning Japanese, but here he is now sitting at a table in a remote building, listening to Eiji pronounce the words with such ease and confidence. It's a side of him he hasn't seen very often.

"Yeah, that was pretty close." Ash is sure it doesn't sound nearly as good and he probably has a heavy American accent, but Eiji is a gentle teacher.

Ash feels he longs for the Japanese boy's approval, so he tries again: "Sa-yo-na-ra," he looks at Eiji again in search of that same approval, but his face looks panicked.

"Ash!" Eiji jumps up to push him aside, from whatever caused the panic in his eyes. Immediately, all Ash's senses are on alert. This can't mean anything good. His feelings are immediately confirmed when a red stain spreads across Eiji's pink shirt with a loud bang.

Immediately, Ash reaches for the gun hidden in his back pocket and he turns to face their attacker, who has already disappeared through the doorway. Swiftly, he sets off in pursuit as he turns off the safety of his rifle. The attacker hasn't gotten far when Ash pulls the trigger and lets a bang reverberate through the corridors.

The bullet hits the attacker in the shoulder, causing him to stumble for a moment, but he continues running. Ash shoots again. This time he hits the attacker's lower leg, causing him to fall all the way to the ground. He shoots again, straight through his stomach. He shoots again, and again and again and again, until he no longer registers where he hit the strange man.

He keeps shooting until he is sure the man is dead, and even after that, until someone knocks the gun out of his hands. His thoughts are on edge, and he immediately turns his attention to the new attacker, but a firm hand holds his wrist.

"Ash! Stop it!" Immediately he ceases his attack, but anger continues to bubble up in his body. This is not a new attacker, but one of his friends from the gang.

He furiously slaps away the hand holding him: "He shot Eiji." All his life he has been furious at the world around him, at the unfairness and the people who have ruined his life. But never has he been more furious than now. Eiji is an innocent Japanese boy who has come to America for a work study. He has absolutely nothing to do with this mess. He doesn't belong here, Ash has always known that, but now the truth hits him in the face.

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