chapter 1: He likes my biscuits

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I return to school today after a longer 2 month summer break. I can't wait to see his face when I get on that bus.But first i have to get ready if I don't want to miss the bus!

"Tiana! Did you wear my jacket yesterday, omg it smells like chicken feed" said my annoying sister Luca as she barged in my room uninvited.

" yea, i just grab a jacket and went out to feed the chicks yesterday. I'm sorry I'll wash it" i said to her as she stormed out my room in disgust.

We live on a Farm, my mom and dad are both farmers but also have government working jobs.We have chickens, and hens that lay eggs, my dad also have a donkey and I named her coconut because she as a black patch on her right eye. My dad also grow berries of all kinds along with tomatos.

Honestly i enjoy helping out on the farm more than my sister does. I'm more of a farm girl when compared to my sister and that's how you can distinguish us from one another.

" bye mom bye dad" I said as I rushed out the house with a freshly baked biscuit in my mouth. I don't normally eat early in the morning for I usually get breakfast at school.

I quickly made my way to the bus stop all out of breathe just in time to catch the bus.

" Good Morning Charlie, and this is for you" i said all out of breathe handing him a bag of the biscuits my mom baked this morning. I normally do that and his reaction never disappoints. Oh Charlie is the bus driver.

" mmmm, smells amazing as usual, i miss your biscuits all summer, can't wait to dive in to these, now go on along and have a seat" he said with the warmest smile on his face.

His smile already made my day. And there he was sitting alone to the far back. Lance never sits with anyone but today that's about to change cause I'm making my first move by sitting next to him. What could go wrong?

" ugh the farm girl is here" said Alexa.

Alexa was the high school rebel, she is the goddess of the school. But she wasn't all that to me though.

I ignored her and sat beside Lance. I could feel Alexa stirring at me the whole time.

"Goodmorning, Lance right? " i said with the most friendly smile ever. Only to be ignored.

Lance always has his earphones in, I'm eagar to know what he listens to.

" i brought biscuits for you today, my mom bakes the best, you should try them. I'd love that" i said facing him. It felt like i was talking to a wall.

" you know, nobody never turns down freshly baked biscuits in the morning" i said while i filled my mouth with one of them.

Moms spices never disappoints.

" you sure you don't want to try one cause i know you do" i said as i got lost in the flavours of the last bite.

" if i try them will you shut up" he said as he removed one of his earphones and looked at me.

" uhhhhh,ehm no-not until you give me a very detailed explanation of how it tastes " i said with with another friendly smile.

To my surprise he took it and ate one. I saw his eyebrows moved as he chewed on the last bite.

" sooooooo, how was that, magical right?" I said as i await his response

"You can have the rest, it's for you" i said looking at him examining the crusty paper bag

" it was- it was ok" he said as he got up from the seat.

I didn't realize that we had reach school.

" hey farm girl, quit trying to get close to my man obviously he's out of your league " said Alexa as she push me aside as i hit my forehead in the door

" are you ok" asked charlie with a worried look.

" yes I'm fine, have good day Charlie " i said as I went on way trying to catch up with Lance but he was out of sight. So i went to cafeteria to grab a ice coffee ,i know that's not healthy but a girl needs her daily caffine

" Lance, you're here" i said excitedly

And again i was ignored, he was in the line in front me. So i just observed him from behind getting lost in my fantasies about him.

" I'm sorry that was the last coffee" said the canteen lady.

" ok no worries " i said while i walked away

" Do you want this" said a voice behind me as i was walking out the cafe

I looked around only to see that it was Lance.

" I'm sorry what !" i said lost for words

He then walked towards the bin about to through away the coffee.

" wait no I'll take it" i said quickly before he through it away.

" why did you buy it if you wasn't going to drink it" i asked while walking behind him

He stop and i bumped into him spilling a little on my shirt.

" I'm sorry" i said as i looked up on his tall figure

" I'm allergic to milk" he said as he reached out to touch my face

I dodged him, only to realize he was only reaching for a foot ball poster.

He looked at me weirdly. I was embarrassed. He then went on his way and was heading for the football field.

" hey, what do you mean by the biscuits was ok, those biscuit were magical you just don't want to admit it" i shouted as my voice echoed through the empty halls.

Deep down i knew he liked them, i don't think he realized but he almost smile while eating them. I realized that the empty bag was hanging out of his back pocket. He ate them off which meant he loves them.

Author note: that's chapter 1, we off to a smooth start. Lance is an interesting fella right?

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