Between rogues

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There was a huge mall under construction nearby and Lilac dragged me there. Either it was an off day or the construction was halted because not a single soul was there besides the two of us.

Lilac let me go as he threw me towards the center of the building. It seemed to be a reception area and was open from two sides, letting an insane amount of light in.

I stopped and looked back at him, "What do you want?"

"I said I wanted to talk." He folded his arms.

"There's nothing for us to talk about." I glared at him, "I'm not giving myself to you!"

"What if I say I'll let all of your debt go?" He smirked, "Then?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Never," I balled my fists, "Nothing you do or say will make me change my mind."

He let out a sigh, "At least think about it,"

"No," I stood my ground, "You and you men have made my life a living hell!" I pointed at him, "But you're far worse than them."

"What did I do?" He shrugged, "I'm offering you a way out of that hell."

"By what? Sleeping with me?"

"Come on, I'm telling you it's not that. We can have a relationship." His words made me want to barf, "I like you,"

"You like me?" I scoffed, "You don't even know me," I pointed at myself, "All you know is my face."

"And what's wrong with that?" He shrugged, "Being pretty is a woman's biggest asset."


Unbelievable. I pursed my lips together in anger. Then let out a light sarcastic scoff,

"And it seems to be my biggest curse." I looked at him, "It keeps attracting leeches like you, who only know how to make my life worse."

He clicked his tongue,"Worse?" He didn't get it, "I'm here to make it better,"

"You can only make it better by leaving me alone and stop giving my father any more money!" I raised my voice slightly, "I'm working so many hours to return the payments. I'm doing all I can! I'm returning the money! Just leave me to it!" I felt anxious, "Please, just please."

Lilac let out a sigh, "Come on," He started walking towards me, "Give me a chance." I started stepping backward.

"Stay away from me,"

"Sera, listen, come to me and you'll realize it was the right thing to do."

I glared at him, "Stay away! I already told you, NO!"

"Just give me a chance!" He raised his voice as well.

"No," I stepped back and began to turn around to make a run for it, "Never!!!" I began to sprint and he came after me, but immediately after I felt a loud thud. Like someone crashed into something solid and hard.

I glanced behind me, then stopped.

No one was after me.

"Didn't you hear?" A familiar voice made its way to my ears, "She said, no,"



I walked back to where I ran from, crossing the pillars and coming back into the open space, I saw him. Azef, standing on one side with his gaze on someone. I followed his gaze and looked at the pillar on the opposite end.

"Ahhh," Lilac was thrown next to it, in fact, there was a crack on the raw pillar, "How the hell do you always find us?"


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