First Attack

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I wasn't expecting Seraphina to come and hug me out of nowhere.

It caught me by surprise. And by surprise I mean, my mind just went blank for a moment. I looked down at her. She had a weary expression on her face. I sighed internally.

Slowly I moved my arms to wrap them around her but she moved away, "Sorry," She didn't meet my gaze, "I don't know what got into me,"

I felt like an idiot. I should have moved faster. Seraphina looked tired. I should take her home at least.

"How about we let her sleep?" I glanced at Eris "I'll take you home for now,"

She shook her head, "I'll stay here with her, for the night." And sat back down on the stool, "I can't leave her on her own."

I watched her but she seemed determined. I guess I'm not going to win here. She was ready to jump into fire for Eris, I know she won't leave her side, "Alright," I turned to walk away, "I need to get back to work," There are many things I need to oversee.

I'll just come back later


As the night reached its darkest hour, I came back to check on the girls before I headed back home. The hospital was eerily quiet. Most of the people had left and the only people inside the hospital were a few nurses on night shift and the patients who were asleep.

I made my way to the general ward and removed the curtain to look at the girls. Unsurprisingly both of them were asleep. But while Eris was out on the bed, Seraphine was asleep on the stool. Her body contorted into an awkward position on the uncomfortable hospital stool. Despite her exhaustion, her sleep was troubled, punctuated by restless tosses and turns as she struggled to find a comfortable spot.

Her brow furrowed in discomfort, lips occasionally parting in silent murmurs of discontent, she seemed caught in the grip of a restless dream. She had her arms folded and her head kept bopping from one side to another.

I shook my head when I saw her. This is why I told her I'd take her home.

Without hesitation, I walked over to her and gently lifted her into my arms, her weight a comforting presence against my chest as I cradled her close.

I glanced at the drip attached to her, she still had a full pouch. She won't be waking up anytime soon. So, I began to walk away, I'm sure she'll be fine even if we both leave.



The man yanked the curtain away and stepped inside. Without wasting any time he drew the curtains to a close, not letting even a single gap remain so that no one can see what he was going to do.

He turned around and pointed his gun at the bed.

Stepping closer to the mattress, he kept his eyes on the blanket that covered the body on the bed. Then he frowned. There was something weird about the body.

He grabbed the blanket and threw it off, only to find a pillow under it. His eyes darted around, looking for me. I took to the ground, crawling beneath the white curtains like a shadow. My movements were swift and silent, fueled by the primal instinct to survive as I navigated my way under the beds and partitions that filled the general ward.

I hugged the ground, my body low to the floor as I crawled beneath the fabric barriers, I held my breath in, I was scared if I breathed too loud he would hear me.

My heart hammered in my chest, the adrenaline coursing through my veins like wildfire as I kept going. None of the other patients noticed me, and it must be because I was small.

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