Gut feeling

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"ERIS!?!??!" I screamed her name, making Bezof flinch. He turned to look at me and then came running towards us.

Panic surged through me, my heart racing as I rushed to Eris's side. I reached out to touch her, my fingers trembling as my hand brushed against her forehead, a wave of dread washed over me—a searing heat radiated from her skin, sending shivers down my spine.

She was burning up with fever,

Oh my God! Since when was this happening!??! She looked fine until a few minutes ago!!

With shaking hands, I scooped Eris into my arms, cradling her close as I carried her. Tears welled in my eyes as I watched over her, helpless to do anything.

"Hospital," That's all I could think about, "I have to take her to a hospital!!!"

"I'll help," Bezof took Eris from me.

"Should we call an ambulance?" I was panicking, "No, wait, that would take so much time!!" I looked at Bezof with my heart pounding in my chest, "What do we do?!?!"

"Miss, calm down," He walked towards the door and I automatically followed him, "There is a car parked in the garage, we can take that,"

"We can?" That was all I asked. It didn't even cross my mind to ask who it belonged to and why we could take it.

"Yes," He began to jog, "Come with me,"



I made my way to the hospital in my car. I got a call from Bezof who explained the whole situation to me. But just as I reached the parking area, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I took it out as I exited the car, the screen was lighting up with an unknown caller.

I clicked my tongue. I had no reason to take the call but I swiped the green icon anyway.

"Who is this?" I began to walk toward the entrance.

"Azef Greer," Came a voice on the other end that seemed somewhat familiar. "I need to talk to you. It's important."

"It better be," I replied as I pressed the button on the elevator and waited for it to open, "You're calling at a very bad time," I almost growled into the phone.

"Well, we've met before,"


"Considering you don't remember it must mean nothing to you, but you threw me into a wall."

"...?" The elevator opened and I stepped inside

"Well, it's fine if you don't remember," He said, "I'll let the fact slide that you plunged me into a wall, if you agree with my condition."

"And that is?"

"I'll cut to the chase. Seraphina Allen is living with you," The fact that he knew about her and that she was living with me didn't sit well with me,


"Her family is indebted to me, I'm not asking you for anything, just give the girl to me."

"No," I replied, and cut the call. I let out a sigh as the elevator opened. That was a waste of time. I began to walk towards the place Eris was taken when I got the call again. It was from the same number so I canceled the call and blocked the number

When I reached the place, I saw the doctor and Seraphina standing by a bed in the general ward, "It seems one of her burns got infected," The doctor was explaining.

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