The heartthrob

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My eyes fluttered open a little when I felt like I was being carried somewhere. My vision was blurry but I could still see the streets around me moving. My body was lethargic, my eyelids heavy and my head dizzy.

I knew I was awake only for a moment because I was immediately being pulled back into the darkness of unconsciousness.

The night was quiet, a little too quiet and it must have been probably why I could hear the sound of footsteps. My eyes landed on the person carrying me


He had me firmly in his arms as he carried me like a princess. The left side of his shirt as well as the left side of his face had splatters of blood but his expression was stoic. As if he didn't care. He looked like a killer that had no feeling of remorse for his actions.

He kept his eyes straight and that meant he hadn't noticed that I had woken up.

I would have freaked out looking at his appearance but the drug was still in my system. It made me completely useless and vulnerable, but I wasn't afraid.

My eyes were tired and they closed again


I gasped as I opened my eyes.

WHERE AM I!?!? What happened?!?!? My heart was already pounding in my chest when I opened my eyes and the anxiety was eating me up. It could simply be the aftereffects of whatever drug I was given but at the same time, it could also be the fear swirling in my brain.

I looked around. As I lay there in the darkness, the events of the night replayed in my mind like a nightmare.

My neck was wet with sweat and so was my forehead.

I couldn't shake the feeling of fear that gripped me with its intensity. I looked around the dark place, my heart raced in my chest, as I looked down on my body.

I seemed fine but I had to check.

I sat up and touched myself. Trying to feel any pain or any sort of immorality but I didn't find any. Though I did wince a few times because I had injured myself but at the moment my primary concern was my chastity.

"Whew," I let out a breath of relief after seeing that. My breathing slowed down a little and I raised my face to look around again.

It was dark but I could now see that I was back in my room in Azef's house. I looked towards the window, the sun was coming up, the sky was getting lighter.

Ah... The night has passed.

I wiped the sweat off my neck with my hand. I'm safe. My heart trembled. I made out safely

The flicked on


I shot my head towards the bedroom door.

"You're up?" Azef was standing there in the door frame with a box in his hand. My eyes got glued to him.

"Yes," I let out a whispered voice.

He entered the room, his presence seemed to fill the space with a sense of calm and reassurance. His eyes met mine, warm and comforting, as he approached me.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his voice gentle and soothing as he reached the bed and softly sat down on the edge.

He had changed his clothes. His skin was clean but I could tell he had taken a shower. I gulped. Why? Is it because he doesn't want to show all the blood he had on him?

But I already saw

I was delirious.

But I know I wasn't dreaming. So, did he really kill those men?

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