Burning apartment

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Without a second thought, we raced towards the inferno, the heat of the flames licking at our skin as we drew closer. The acrid scent of smoke filled the air, choking me with its suffocating presence as we navigated the chaos that surrounded us. Many people had come out of the building but there was no sign of Eris, which further indicated that she was still inside.

As we reached the building, the magnitude of the devastation became painfully clear but rather than the flames, there was more smoke. The fire seemed to only be in our apartment but the smoke had traveled everywhere.

Amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope flickered in the darkness—a faint cry for help, barely audible above the roar of the fire. I couldn't make out what was being said, but I heard the muffled sound.

"Eris!" I shouted, my voice raw with desperation as I pushed forward, driven by determination.

When we reached the door of the apartment, the weight of the moment settled upon me. The fate of my sister hung in the balance, and I refused to succumb to despair, clinging to the hope that somehow, against all odds, I could go in and we would emerge from the flames unscathed, together once more.

I gulped and was ready to jump into the room that was black with smoke and heat. I couldn't see anything in there even though the door was open. A neighbor might have opened it trying to help but I see no one could bring themself to jump in. And although that thought devastated me, it was also understandable.

I stepped towards the door in a hurry when Azed grabbed my arm and pulled me back

"Wait," He commanded, his voice steady despite the chaos that raged around us. "It's too dangerous for you to go in there."

"But Eris—" I began, my voice catching in my throat as the flames illuminated the terror etched across my face. The smoke was making my eyes water but nothing else mattered to me, I had to save my sister. I had to save the only family I had left.

Azef's gaze grew more determined "I'll go," He pushed me back.

"What?" I stumbled backwards, trying to make sure I didn't fall, "Why?! Why would you go! I need to go! That's my sister." I tried to move towards him again but he raised his hand to stop me

"Trust me," He said, his voice laced with conviction. "I'll bring her out safely." He stepped towards the entrance, the heat of the situation making us both sweat.

"B-but," I was confused. Why would he choose to go? He has absolutely no reason to help us.

"Leave!" He yelled at me, making me flinch, "There's no time. You go and wait down with the others!! See if anyone called the fire brigade."

"Sir!" He gave me no time to think about it and simply ran into the apartment, disappearing immediately into the burning building, his figure swallowed by the swirling smoke and flames



Torn between fear and hope, I bit my lower lip and turned around to go down. My heart was heavy with the weight of uncertainty. "Please," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the roar of the fire. "Bring her back to me." Mixed emotions swirled within me as I wrestled with the weight of his actions. Guilt gnawed at my conscience, knowing I should have been the one to go in, not let him risk his life for the sake of my sister

I went down where the people had gathered, all of their eyes stuck on the apartment on fire.

"Did anyone call the fire brigade??!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, making a few people look at me, "Hello!!! Did anyone call the-"

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