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Panic surged through me like an electric shock, setting every nerve on edge as I frantically scrambled to shut the door, to keep the danger at bay.

Oh My God!

Why is he here!?!? Why was Hulio, the debt collector who I almost killed here before running to the beach, here??!? How did he find me? Or this apartment at that!!? This place is nowhere near where I lived previously.

But my trembling hands fumbled with the latch, betraying my desperation as I struggled against the inevitable. With each futile attempt to close the door, the gangster's presence loomed larger. I pushed against the door to close it but he pushed against it to keep it from closing as he tried to make his way in.

"Please," I pleaded, my voice trembling with fear, "Just leave us alone."

Midway the realization hit me that he most likely followed me here.

My words fell on deaf ears as Hulio's steely resolve met my feeble resistance. With a forceful shove, the door lurched open, sending me stumbling backward in a frantic attempt to maintain my footing but I couldn't, I fell butt flat on the floor.

"Leave you alone," He walked in, "After what you did to me?" He pointed at his head, "I'm not leaving without having my way with you today," His face was filled with resentment, "But I'm going to kill you first."

The sudden intrusion sent a jolt of terror coursing through me but I scrambled to my feet. I backed away, my heart pounding in my chest. But there was no way out, he was blocking the way out and I had no weapon on me this time.

I glanced back and saw Eris, she was standing near the couch with a worried expression on her face. She didn't make a sound and stood there still but the tears were silently making their way down her cheeks.

Oh no,

I have to protect her too! Right then, with a menacing glint in his eyes, Hulio closed the distance between us, his movements calculated and predatory. His intentions were clear, and terror surged through me the moment I noticed him.

I turned around to run but where could I run in this small space. I shouldn't have done that. In my attempt to run, I turned around and gave him the leverage to grab my hair from the back. He took a fist full and yanked me back causing my body to jolt and fall back.

In a desperate bid for survival, I lashed out, my instincts kicking into overdrive as I fought to fend off the impending threat. He sat over me,restraining my legs, trying to take control.

"You bloody pervert!!" My hands groped for anything within reach, grasping at straws in a futile attempt to stave off the encroaching darkness, "Get off me!!!" Every fiber of my being screamed for escape. But as the struggle reached its climax, a grim realization dawned upon me, "Eris,"

"You bitch!!" He slapped my cheek, sending a burning sensation in my skin. My mind went blank for a moment, but I knew I couldn't just give in.

Eris is seeing all of this! I can't let her see this! She's just a child! This will traumatize her!

"Eris!!" I had my priorities straight, "Run and lock the room!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My sister flinched but listened to me and ran towards the bedroom.

Hulio didn't even spare her a glance, he just wrapped his fingers around my neck, his grip like a vice as he closed in, intent on snuffing out the flicker of resistance that burned within me.

"You people sold the house, haven't you!" I replied, "I made a deposit today as well!" I tried to claw his meaty hands, while he attempted to knock me out, "I'm giving you the money. You have no reason to come here!!"

Mafia's collateral (M Book2)Where stories live. Discover now