The pain in me

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A sharp sting jolted me awake, the sensation of a slap still lingering on my cheek when my eyes shot open

"Huh?" Disoriented, I blinked against the sudden intrusion, my surroundings slowly coming into focus, "What?" My mind felt a little dizzy as I sat up immediately but it soon settled down.

I blinked a few times, letting my eyes adjust to the light. There was something soft under me and I realized I was no longer on the cold pavement but lying on an elevated surface.

A glance around revealed a small but surprisingly neat and cozy apartment.

I frowned? An apartment? Where the hell am I? The air carried the scent of cleanliness, and the muted colors of the furnishings exuded a simple yet inviting warmth. The contrast with the gritty reality of the city streets only moments ago was stark, leaving me momentarily bewildered.

What the hell? What is going on?!

"Sera!" Eris's voice made me look at her. She was standing by the couch I was on, staring at me.

"Eri!" I immediately hugged her, "Oh God! Are you okay!?" The rest of everything faded away when I saw her face.

"Yea," She replied in a muffled voice as I squeezed her in me.

"Oh, Thank God," I let out a sigh of relief, "They didn't do anything bad to you?" I pulled her apart, with my hands on her shoulders I asked her firmly, "Did anyone hit you?"

She shook her head, "No," She looked fine no matter how I looked at her,

"Are you sure?" I examined her, "Did someone threaten you? Or anything like that?"

"No," She innocently shook her head again, "The guy who took me made me pancakes,"

"Pancakes?" I was surprised. That muscular guy made her pancakes? I then remembered that Azef told him to do that... I thought it was some code for something bad but I guess not...

"Yea," She nervously clasped her hands together, "They were yummy,"


And he listened to my plea and let me see my sister...

I took my hands off of her, "I see," Rubbing my cheek she had slapped to wake me up, I surveyed the unfamiliar space, "Eri?" I looked at her again as I moved and touched my feet on the floor, "Do you know how I came here?" The last thing I remember was losing consciousness, "Or who brought me here?"

It was quite embarrassing now that I think about it. I can't believe I just fainted, just like that. Was I that stressed?

She nodded her head, there was nothing I noticed in her gaze as she looked back at me.

They sparkled

"That hensom big brother," She made a carry gesture with her arms, "Bought you here in his arms,"


"Who?" I was skeptical about what I just heard, "Someone brought me here in his arms?" That made me feel weird, "That guy with gray hair?" I asked and she nodded.

What the...

He carried me in his arms!?! I got up feeling a weird sense of shyness. What? Why would he do that?! I looked around and began to walk. From the looks of it when I fell on the pavement, it seemed like he had no intention of helping me out.

On the contrary, he looked annoyed. I thought he'd just leave me on the side of the road and drive away!! I pursed my lips as I wandered, that's when my eyes landed on a bag.

Mafia's collateral (M Book2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu