Cold bastard

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I had gone pale from the information he presented to me. Me? I was collateral? What am I? A thing? Some possession? The stress and anxiety of it was making me feel sick all over again. I knew my father was shitty but I didn't think he'd pull something so low.

That's when the car came to a stop.

I wasn't sure what was happening when the door opened and a muscular man popped his head inside.

"We have a kid?" He looked a little confused, "I thought there was only going to be one girl?"

"Unfortunately, Bezof, we have to deal with that too." Azef sighed, "Take her away and give her a change of clothes," He smiled while I felt something off in the conversation. Only her? "And make her some pancakes or something, just keep her occupied."

"What?!" I shot my head at him but when that Bezof guy grabbed Eris, I shot my head at him and tried to get my hands on my sister, "What are you doing!?! Where are you taking her?" I grabbed Eris's hand and she woke up. It was because she just woke up and had no idea who was holding her hand and who was picking her up, so she just yanked her arm away in uncertainty.

It allowed Bezof to take her away from me, "Wait, no!!!" I tried to leave through the door when Azef grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I crashed back on the seat, feeling a jerk in my arm while the minion closed the door and locked it.

I ignored the pain, "She'll panic without me!" I glared at Azef, "Let me go!" I tried to squirm out of his grip but his hold was strong, "Let me go!"

"Nothing will happen to her," He replied, "As long as you don't create a scene," He remained calm.

"How can I be sure?! What if she's actually in danger?" I continued to glare at him as the nervousness in me started getting its grip on me.

"You're the most dangerous person for her at the moment," He replied, His steely gaze locked onto mine, and I could almost feel the weight of his scrutiny. My palms grew clammy, and a knot tightened in my stomach.

"I-I'm not," I shook my head, "I'm her sister. I'm the least dangerous person."

He looked back at me with a roguish look, "Weren't you the person who just tried to drown her with yourself?" My anxiety rose, I felt it in my chest, the feeling of humiliation and defeat.

I had no words to refute him.

I was going to kill Eris with myself. Anyone who saw me would know that my intentions were clear.

"Nothing will happen to the child," He said, "We adults need to talk,"

I gulped and the car started again.

"You didn't need to take her away from me." I said as we were on our way somewhere.

"You won't get that girl back, if you try to run away from me." He smirked, "She seems to be your biggest weakness, so I'll be keeping her."

"But, we didn't do anything to you..." I looked down

"But your shit load of a father did, he ran away with something very important." He let out a sigh, "I would ignore it, but the thing he took isn't ignorable." He frowned and it seemed like dad really did end up in a bigger mess this time.

"What has that got to do with me?" I replied, "There's nothing I can do for you,"

"I'll be the one to decide that," He replied,

"So you're going to sell me?"

"I haven't decided," His gaze was away, he was thinking about other things, "But you will be staying near me. In a place I can keep my eye on you."

Mafia's collateral (M Book2)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat