Crashing Down

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I don't know how my life ended up at his point.

There wasn't much to it to begin with.

My mother died when I was a kid and she was the breadwinner of the family.

My father loved drinking but overtime he became an addicted alcoholic. And I don't even know how he managed to knock up another woman. I would be disgusted to see a man like him, how the hell did someone sleep with him?

Who knows...

But I would never put myself in this sort of misery.

"Sera..." Eris, my little half-sister clung onto my clothes while trying to understand what had happened.

I couldn't focus on her, all of my focus was on my trembling hands that had blood on it.

I let down a shaky gulp and then looked at the man down on the ground. The same man I hit with a flower pot.

My breathing was getting abnormal while I watched the man's head bleed.

How did it come to this?

I knew I wouldn't amount to much in life. I knew my life would be as pathetic as the day I was born. My life was so mundane, so emotionally exhausting that I didn't mind if I died.

I would think about dying every day. It was on my mind every night.

Life was just hell after all.

But how did it come to this?!! How did I become a murderer?!?!


(Few hours ago)

"Are you leaving?" The manager asked me as I made my way out of the back door.

"Yes," I replied with tired eyes, "Thank you for the advance payment."

"It's no problem." He replied, "Anything for the pretty lady," I let out a forced chuckle at his words, "You're not doing overtime today?"

"No," I replied, "I have to get back," I looked away, "There's some stuff I need to do at home." Like unpaid bills to pay.

The electricity was cut off and I can't leave Eris alone with Dad. I can't risk her getting on his nerves and him doing something to her.

"I see, see you tomorrow,"

"Bye," I closed the door behind me and left.


'Dear Mom, today was as mundane as every other day, yesterday night the electricity got cut. I thought I had a day left, so I got my paycheck early but since I work overtime, I went home late.' I sent the text to my Mom's number.

I sent her texts all the time, texts that I'll never get replies to. I don't need them. It's not like a dead person can reply anyway, but I feel a tiny bit better after sending these texts.

'Dad was back, so I made sure to hide the money, I can't have him gambling it all away. I've reached home safely. Talk to you later, I better get the bills paid first.' I sent the second text as well and put the phone in my pants pocket.

I took out the key to my small one bedroom house and grabbed the door handle with the other hand.


But the door was open. That gave me an ominous feeling.

"Dad?" I opened the door and went in, "Eris?"

The inside gave off an odd feeling, "Dad?" I called out to him but there was no sound. I tried switching on the lights but then remembered how we had no electricity.

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