Arc 1, Chapter 4: "Im a monster..."

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Microphone was out on a walk as the sun began to set. All the yelling coming from inside the hotel was getting too stressful. What happened from season 2 still lingered in the back of her mind.

The stars above began to form, and she tried to ignore the rattling of the window from the higher floor. The dusty path beneath her feet passed beneath her as she walked calmly down the road. Her feet dodged sharp rocks, she didn't need stitches with all the current stress of the hotel.

Season 2... It made her have anxiety about anything she'd ever heard... was Knife also being true? Pickle? Soap...? She didn't know anymore...

She was still mad. She had the right to be angry...

She had the right to not be ready to forgive.


She walked along the forest edge. The calm environment if the thicket helped her calm down. But it reminded Microphone of her. And she still hasn't gotten over it... Which was reasonable, she felt used and casted aside. Was anything she said real? Who was true and who wasn't? Her mind spiralled as she tried to avoid any and all pieces of her mind that tried to drag her back down. She was happy to have a moment to breathe at last.

Microphone closed her eyes tightly trying to drown out the loneliness she had in back of her mind. It didn't make any sense...! She had so many friends... Soap, knife, pickle, cheesy, Etc... So why did she feel like this...? She wouldn't go back. She didn't need to, Microphone would be fine.

She walked for a while and kicked little stones along the ground. She tried to get her mind off of the idea of what happened. It wasn't something she needed to think about right now.

That's when she heard it.

A blood curdling scream came from the forest. It sounded like someone was in pain— no... Agony. Microphone looked towards the noise. Was that...? No... it couldn't have been her... Right? Taco doesn't scream like that.

Then again,

Microphone has never heard Taco scream.

Regardless... Someone was hurt... and if it WAS TACO. Then... OJ would kill her if she was found. Frankly, as much as Microphone hated the idea, she hated the thought of Taco dying even more.

Microphone glanced between the hotel, and the forest, and gave a groan of annoyance... And swiftly ran into the woods.

She pushed branches and bushes out of the way. She didn't really care about the scratches she got from the brambles in the many shrubs she ran through. What if there was an animal?! Microphone whined at the thought, she didn't have anyway to protect herself... God... This was bad...

But she had to continue on.

She reached the clearing. Where she had first met Taco and froze in horror...

There was blood everywhere. The crimson liquid coated the surrounding forest, like a bomb went off. It covered parts of the trees, the ground, the bushes. It looked like the trees were dying underneath... This weird black inky substance was also all over the ground. Chunks of flesh and meat scattered around the area. The smell was putrid, of blood and death. Microphone gagged, and covered her mouth.

She stepped into a pool of blood and winced. It burned to touch it. What the hell?! She whined lifted her foot out of the red puddle beneath her.

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