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True beauty emanates from within, from a heart aligned with the divine.

The story you're about to read is a beautiful and profound love story that unfolded in our time. In an age where true love stories are seldom heard, this one stands out for its sincerity and adherence to Islamic values. A narrative that echoes the prophetic traditions of respect, modesty, and the sacred bond of marriage. It's a reminder that pure and righteous love still exists, and that's what makes this story so inspiring.

I recently heard a Sheikh share this story, and his words captivated me—I was completely absorbed, and the story moved me deeply. I hope it resonates with you just as powerfully, InshaAllah, and that you find a valuable lesson in it.

A man went to the gulf countries in Emirates, with little but faith guiding his path. For years, he toiled tirelessly under the scorching sun. His beginnings were humble, his pockets almost empty, but his heart was filled with hope.  Allah, the Most High, witnessed his steadfastness, and in His infinite mercy, granted him success and wealth in a land far from home. It was a testament to the wisdom of Allah's plan, showing that with dedication and trust in the Almighty, even the most modest beginnings can lead to great blessings.

His father was a man of profound piety and deep righteousness, who had served as an imam. The son, now blessed with wealth and stability was ready to marry, he felt it only right to turn to the man who had been his moral compass since childhood. He penned down a message to his father, seeking his blessings and advice, knowing that no step in life is more sacred than the one toward marriage.

The message was filled with gratitude, respect, and the hope that his father would guide him as he embarked on this new journey.

'My father, I have reached a point in life where I am ready to get married. Many years have passed without me marrying, and I believe now is the right time. I trust your wisdom and understanding in these matters, and I humbly request that you help me choose a suitable wife. Please proceed with arranging the marriage contract, and I would like the wedding night to be the day I arrive and meet her for the first time. I have faith in your judgment and know that you will guide me on this blessed journey.'

The level of trust this young man had in his father was profound. He entrusted all the wedding preparations to him, allowing his father to choose his future spouse. Such a decision reflects the son's deep faith in his father's judgment and wisdom, asking for guidance as he took this important step in life.

As a righteous man, the father knew the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who said a woman is sought in marriage for four reasons: her wealth, her beauty, her lineage, and her religion. He emphasized, 'Choose the one who is religious, (otherwise) you will be losers'. This hadith emphasizes the importance of prioritizing faith and piety over worldly attributes.

The father therefore chose a wife for his son based on her strong religious faith, despite her physical appearance not being the best. He did not go for wealth, nor lineage, nor ephemeral beauty, but for a jewel of deen, a soul mate whose radiance was derived from her piety and whose worth was measured by her devotion. For in the pursuit of such a companion, the young man's life would be graced with tranquility, and their union would be a fortress of faith, a beacon for generations to come.

This choice reflected a deeper understanding of what truly matters in a partner—someone who will support and encourage you in your journey toward Allah, someone whose inner beauty shines brighter than any outer adornment. The father knew that a marriage built on the foundation of faith and good character would withstand the test of time, providing a source of lasting happiness and blessings.

THE GREATEST LOVE STORIES OF ALL TIME..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ