Part {14}: Revenge Is Sweet

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Kaiden and I entered headquarters together and walked to the classroom, he opened up the door as we walked in. "Hey." I say to my friends who smiled back to me. Kaiden took a seat by Emma in the back row while I sat down by A Capella.

June entered with a smile on her face, she went up to the front and stood there. "today you all have one final battle together before school is done, it's an easy one," she tells us. everyone is silent but ready to hear what she has to say. "I want you all to take down," an image popped up on the screen in front of us, leaning forward in my chair, I saw a picture of a robotic young girl, she looked to be around 8 years old. "this girl, she is a robot, but she's very dangerous, she may look harmless but she isn't." June has explained.

Stared back at Kaleb, he sent me a look of unease in his eyes but remained calm, turned around in my chair, A Capella raised her hand. "how old is she?" June says, "she is 14 years old." she replied.

A Capella nods back. "that is all, you all are now dismissed." June tells us all as she leaves the room once more after we stood up and hung out for a while. pulled Kaleb aside, I saw A Capella talking with Emma, he stared back to me again.

"does A Capella seem different today?" I ask him.

Kaleb shook his head. "not really, why?" he asks.

"she just seems off to me." I said, he stared back.

Kaleb shrugged. "it's probably de ja vu." he tells me now and I took a deep breath in and nodded.

Looked back at A Capella, she was staring at me with deep hatred in her eyes, they narrowed at mine, I looked at her, with fear, in my veins.

"Hey," Kaleb snapped me out of a daze with his A Capella. "are you okay?" he asked. took in a deep breath, A Capella took a seat in her chair but kept an eye on me. faced him, with a forced smile on my face, and replied with, "I'm fine." he nodded.

Kaleb walked away from me to go and talk to A Capella alone, decided to give him space, I took a seat in one of the chairs in the back. Kaiden was walking over to sit next to me. "I believe you," he tells me. "what?" I ask. "about A Capella being a little bit too different." I sighed back in relief. at least my own stepbrother believed in me. Kaleb does as well but Kaiden is more eyes on people.

"Hey Kennedy," A Capella says from where she is standing with Kaleb, I stood up and walked over to her side. "can we talk for a minute?" she asked.

I nod back. "sure." A Capella led me out of the classroom door, closing it gently behind us.

Leaned against the wall, A Capella faced me and I stared back. "how old are you?" she asks me.

"14, I'll be 15 in July." I tell her as she nodded.

A Capella asked, "why are you trying so hard to be friends with Kaleb?" and I replied with, "I'm not." she nods again. "are you done?" I ask her.

"not yet," she responds, then gets closer into my face. "stay away from him or else, I'm the leader of this team, you aren't. so back off, got it?" she asks me and I nodded again, she glared at me as I took another deep breath in, she walked away.

I walked back into the classroom to see A Capella talking to Kaleb and Tate, felt like the walls were closing in on me, and excused myself, I ran out of the room. apparently, Kaiden had run after me.

Halted quickly outside of a bathroom, my own breathing became very tense, Kaiden caught up to me. "Hey, look at me." he said and I did.

"you're having your first panic attack, just take some deep breaths in and relax." he tells me and I do just that, after I did, Kaiden stayed with me.

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