Chapter 23- ARIELLA

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The incessant ringing of the alarm abruptly pulled me from the depths of my subconscious, forcing me to confront the reality of my awakening. Confusion clouded my mind as I questioned the certainty of my consciousness. How am I already awake? How could I be so unaware of my own state of alertness? An unsettling feeling washed over me as I realize I am sitting upright on my bed, a most peculiar position given my confusion. An even more disturbing discovery is the unidentifiable stickiness that coated my skin.

I touch my face trying to take off the stickiness, it is still there, I rub eyes trying to remember what happened, is is as if something is repeating.

Upon inspection I see my hands smeared smeared with blood, a sight that caused my eyes to widen in horror. As my gaze darted around the room in a desperate attempt to understand my predicament, it landed on a black letter
This is no ordinary piece of correspondence; it is a stark black letter, the same letter like all the previous times, adorned with words penned in hues of blue and green, an ominous message awaiting my attention.

In the midst of my panic, I caught sight of a figure wearing a blue dress. My breath ceased for a moment as I am momentarily transfixed by her smile. The realization hit me hard-this couldn't possibly be happening. I am not ensnared in a nightmare, or so I vehemently believed. It isn't any nightmare, no one is gone but why, why is this happening, what is happening?0

However, the shock that ensued upon noticing my attire far surpassed my initial fright. The dress I found myself in os alien to my wardrobe and my preferences. It is an undeniable fact that I exclusively wear black and nothing else. This unfamiliar dress is not only out of character for me but also raised questions about how it came into my possession. To add to my confusion, a throbbing pain started to make itself known in my head.

This is a white dress, something so familiar to me yet so foreign to my body.

A scream escaped my lips as I rose from the bed, a reaction to the sheer terror and disorientation that overtook me. Yet, before I could attempt to piece together the events that had transpired, a familiar, calming scent enveloped me.

"Ariel, are you okay?" The concern in Emory's voice is palpable. Emory, my doll, my human doll. I frantically scanned the room, but the girl in the blue dress is nowhere to be seen. She vanished.

I really love her presence but not when she is in blue, never in that, I don't like it when she appears in blue.

In a moment of panic, I push Emory away and retreated to the bathroom. The sight of my bloodied hands under the running water of the tap is a grim reminder of the severity, my insanity and different of the situation. A quick glance at the mirror only heightened my distress. The blood is not only on this clothes but also my face, my hair. My reflection showed a girl overwhelmed by her circumstances, my trembling hands reached to shut the world around me again but I stopped.

I change this disgusting dress and wear Remi's shirt, it reaches until my thighs, his scent is engulfed in it, it is calming, as if I am in most protected arms.

How could that letter be there, did someone come in my room? How could I know the state of my mind when I am in this distress.

Nash, Kings, Elites mansions are supposed to be the most safest places for me but I am recieving the letters as if its the most common thing.

I move out and Instantly run to Emory, I hugged her, I pull her closer to me. I don't know if she is shocked or what but I don't hear those noises anymore.

"Don't go anywhere Emory"
"Ari you okay?"
She said patting my back and caressing my hair and I pull back after some time. She is looking at me with concern and I come back from my head and nod at her.

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