Chapter 22- DOLL KEEPER

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You should run away when chance is given, because I am not someone to be coming close to. When I say you shouldn't look down your beds, because you don't know if you will find me or not then you shouldn't

My master used to call me Evil spirit. Because according to my master, I am going to be as evil as the name given.

From the shadows, I watched Ariella but now I am watching her right infront of me, my doll, move about her world with an ethereal grace that captivated my every thought. Each night, I stood outside her window, my breath fogging the glass as I observed her delicate movements and studied the curve of her lips. She is more than just a woman to me; she is a masterpiece waiting to be claimed by right hands, me.

As I tended to my collection of dolls which I sent her, meticulously arranging them in rows upon rows, I couldn't help but compare them to Ariella. None of them could capture her essence, her beauty, her purity, her perfection.
They were mere imitations of the real thing, placeholders until I could possess the object of my obsession.

I keep the letter that I have for her.
Leaving notes for her became my way of expressing my adoration, my longing to hold her in my arms and protect her from the harsh realities of the world, and only keep her with me. I knew she was frightened, confused by my gestures of affection, but I couldn't stop myself. She is my everything, and I would do anything to make her see that.

When she stumbled upon my sanctuary, that day, so near to find out everything, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through my veins. She had come to me, just as I had always known she would. But as she fled into the night, her screams echoing in my ears, because she saw real dolls who were freed, I made them just like she threw the doll in the park, but she saw them and forget about it because she was forced too, I realized that I had been too eager, too impatient to claim my prize.

She saw her photos, her reflections, doll, living doll, freed dolls and everything but she was forced to forget it. My doll has forgotten about that night. The night when she ran away to die, the same night when she came to. My baby doll was just nine that time. Soo adorable, so beautiful, tiny, captivating and alluring. But before I could explain her anything she saw everything and ran away, I cahased her, but she managed to runaway, I thought she will tell everything to them but she was so scared and happy, too. I just know she was happy, because her tears were the proof. But the two people whom she considers better than god has drugged her and made her forget

"I would have let go of it, because it was a good point for me too, but doll you made a grave mistake by saying no one loves you more than them, what about me doll? I always chose you"

But I was undeterred. I would find her again, I would make her see that we were meant to be together. In my eyes, Ariella is not just a woman; she is my perfect doll, waiting to be loved and cherished for all eternity.

Ariella Nash is Gav, she is reincarnation of Gav. Whom everyone hates, is scared of and tends to keep away. My doll always wondered why things go in a way they always go, she is just a curious doll. She stopped playing piano because of that Ava and I am tempted to teach her a lesson, but I already have planned what I will do, all those girls around my doll I will take them with me, I won't kill them or free them, I will just do what I have to do. I will push them away so much that they won't be back to her. And Remington Astor, I will make his life a living hell like I did in past. He touched my doll, I am always around my doll, always, but she doesn't see me, and if she does she doesn't stop me. We both love being invisible. Her flowery Scent, her real nature, her everything. Whenever I see my doll, I remember my master, my master who used to write, my master likes things being done in dark and kept hidden, my master liked doing everything by own not involving others, my master liked getting locked up and be alone and play piano, play with dolls, write alone and do everything. My baby Ariella doll is like my master. If my master wasn't killed by Cole Nash, she or should I say he, would be alive and loved Ariella more than anything. I just know that my doll master would. When others say she is Ariella Nash, spitting image of Cole Nash, has an awsome memory like him, I know that she is Gav, she is all like Gav, like Helen Nash, her photographic memory is also from Gav. Her obsessions, posessions, everything is like Gav.

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