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I woke up to some noises. I remember sleeping in his car, and I'm sure he carried me here. I don't want to forget about it because it was the best, and everything more than that.

I hear voices downstairs and descend the stairs, only to hear a heated argument between Brother Eli, Lan, Dad, and Uncle. Oh, wait, I know what this is about. I already wanted to ask them for this, and I have other options up my sleeve for making Dad and Uncle agree.

"She won't be going anywhere, and that's final" Dad said.

"Dad, Uncle, what is wrong with you both? You can't ruin her future because of your overprotectiveness."

I was already expecting it to lead to this, worse, how could I not? Everyone thinks Dad and Uncle love me, so they are overprotective of me. But what they don't know is their love comes with certain conditions. Extreme possessiveness and overprotectiveness stand at the top. And I already saw this coming. I know their overprotectiveness would fall hell on me one day, and that day is today, tomorrow, and all the upcoming days from now on.

The way I am trying to express well is choking me, and the shrink I am meeting thinks his ways are working well. Only if he knew that I am giving him what he want and taking what I want. He want his therapy to work, and I am making it look like it is working. In which the first condition is expressing well. It feels so good to manipulate the manipulators; shrinks are one of them.

And Dad and Uncle, they think I am getting along well, and that therapy is working. For them to send me to Brighton Island, I already had this planned. Dad doesn't want me to lose my smile and be like what I am right now. If I be my own self, which I am not for many days, they will think I am getting sad, and the therapy isn't working, and they will let me do what I want. I can use other methods, which might include Mom and Ellie. But I won't. I am not that kind of person. I can win my things myself anyway. At least I am capable of that.

"No arguments on this. Ari is not going anywhere," Dad said, glaring at Brother Eli and Lan, especially Brother Eli, because Ava and him are surely going to come over here and say they are exclusive now. Waiting for it, though I know my sister might be rebellious with him, but she still loves him and his roughness. And Dad won't be accepting the fact that he is the one who is making her smiles real, instead of fake, instead of just cover-ups. Ava and Remi, the fake smilers who betray themselves and act as if they are happy, but that's the least thing they are.

"And then what? Lock her up inside without letting her do anything? And Uncle, Ari has stopped writing, if you noticed it."

After cutting my internet connection for a whole two weeks, no mobile, no laptop, no social media, no meeting others, they are doing this now?

Uncle and Dad used to wait for me until my exam was done, and soon after that, they would take me back and lock me up in the room. I didn't get to meet Annie, who looked so desperate to say something. So I had to sneak out of here when everyone was asleep and go to meet her. After what I got to know from her, I felt like slapping Lia and killing Remi. I even got to know Annie's real birthday. And Lia is acting awfully weird; whenever Rick was to speak with me, she does something and pushes me away. That wasn't jealousy at all, because as much as I know Lia, she isn't a jealous kind of person; instead, she speaks up straight and clarifies things. And all I want to do right now is go to her and ask why they both dated, and really kill Remi. But that is only for an instant. I can't do anything to Remi; I just connected the dots and realized he wants to use me for finding the killer, and worse is I can't figure out if that shadow is real or not. Why is that killer leaving the doll behind? I have no idea about that. I didn't get to see who the people who went missing were. I will soon.

Mom and Ellie even took all the sharp objects out of my room; they changed the curtains from black to white and blue. I didn't want it to be blue. These colors are too bright for me. And especially blue. They kept me locked up, and I didn't want to come out either. I wanted to figure out why I lost my senses, and the only answer I have for that is, either I was hallucinating or what I saw was real.

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ