Chapter 2- REMI

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I woke up to a text from Ava, asking me to come pick them up. These girls never let me sleep. I wonder why they can't just stay in their dorm or home. I slept late last night. We were partying all night and they left early, not like I can sleep early either.
Ava-Wake up, wanker
she messaged again.

Remi-Let my Lordship sleep
I text her back and just as Am about to lay down I recieved her message again which read

Ava-Ari is joining University today and she would be happy to see you, we are at my place
Remi-Isn't she just some sixteen or seventeen? How is she joining REU so early?
I questioned.

she screamed through her texts. I freshen up and went to pick them up. "So, the youngest finally joined University,"

I say to myself. Dad calls her my hellion stalker because she used follow me everywhere I go. But I don't see her often now. I don't mind that; I know she has a little crush on me. Everyone knows that, even though she doesn't say it. Ariella is going to have a hard time in REU. Eli, Lan and Cray are so protective of her, in fact, all of us are. She is the youngest in our Elites family, and being the youngest comes with some privileges. Though it looks like she doesn't want to be anywhere but alone and doesn't care if she has anyone'sback or not. I have not seen her spending time with Ava or girls either, atleast not after I saw her in park, crying.

I arrive at her place, parked my car, and I received another text from Ava,
Ava-where the hell are you.
She is a real pain in the ass sometimes. Remi-I'm outside your place, just entered the gate,
I text her back, and she replied with a simple
I am about to ring the bell when the door suddenly opened, startling me. "Morning, Remi,"
Ava greeted, hugging me. I hugged her back and said,
"Morning, Mon Ami."
We walked to the dining hall, talking. Why Uncle Aiden and Aunt Elsa are here so early in the morning?

"Bonjour mesdames et messieurs, my lordship is here,"
I announced, and I received replies from everyone except Uncle Aiden and Ariella.Uncle Aiden's gaze is fixed on me as if I had committed a grave offense, as if I had sold his kidney and Ariella. Meanwhile, Ariella herself is staring at me, her eyes filled with an indescribable desire, an innocent longing. Uncle Cole is ignoring my presence as if I am a killer and he doesn't want to get killed.

My train of thought is interrupted by Ava's voice, bringing me back to reality.
"Back to earth, Ari,"
she said to Ariella and I snap out of my thoughts too. Ava, Glyn, and Ces bid their farewells, but Ariella remains lost in her own world.
"Ma chèrie? Where are you lost?"
I inquire, but all she responds with is a confused
It's as if Ariella has grown up overnight, her voice no longer childlike. I can't quite put it into words. Uncle Aiden continues to glare at me, while Uncle Cole calmly sips his coffee and reads his book. Aunt Elsa and Aunt Silver kiss my cheek, as they kissed my cheek, even uncle Cole stopped reading and both uncles shoot daggers at me with their eyes. I don't want to face their wrath so early in the day. I respect them, I am not terrified of them, but they are obsessed with their wives. I turn to look at Ariella, who is already gazing back at me, and my stomach churned with an unfamiliar sensation. I consider asking her if she wants to join us in the car, but I suspect she will decline. She always spends her time with both uncles, so it's likely she will go with them. I step outside and get into the car, starting the engine. Ava begins bombarding me with questions,

"Did you see how happy Ari looked?"

she asks, while Ces shakes her head and Glyn remarks,
"She barely reacted, Ava."
Ignoring Glyn's response, Ava continues to pry, causing me to abruptly hit the brakes.
"Do you love my sister, Remi?"
she asked catching me off guard. Ces chimed in,
"Drive carefully, you'll send us all to the hospital."
I resume driving and turn to face Ava, saying,
"She is your sister, Ava."
Ava responds playfully,
"I know she's my sister. Isn't she pretty?" I must find a way to deter her from asking me such questions. I don't feel any romantic affection towards Ariella. Letting out a sigh, I confess,
"I don't like her."
Just as these words left my mouth
Ava regarded me with a deadly gaze, while Cecily and Glyn appeared to be disappointed. Did I say something wrong?

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Where stories live. Discover now