☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 10 ☽

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Gerards POV ˚˖°

I had no clue that all this had happened in a span of like 2 or 3 days of summer break.

I had no clue that Frank had even talked to another girl other than Y/N.

She intertwined her fingers with mine as we began to walk towards the food court. I saw Y/N pull out her phone and text the guys to meet in the food court. I then saw her click on someone elses contact and call them.

"Hey, Patty-cake, look, I need to ask you something."

"oh hey, Y/N, What's up?"

"What senior told you about Frank cheating with Jamia?"

Oh shit, a senior had told Patrick about him cheating? Jamia had to have been somewhat popular.

"Do you know the band Green Day?"

"What about them?"

"Billie Joe Armstrong. The singer, he's the one who told me. Apparently he had been dating her when she started y'know 'dating' Frank."

How did Patrick even get this information from fucking Billie? Billie was like, not a jock no, but was popular at the same time.

"Thank you so much Patrick, really, this helps a lot. Um, I'll probably see you soon, but bye!" She said before Patrick said bye, and hung up.

"I'm going to bash Frank's skull in, I swear to god." Y/N said, clenching her fist around her bag, and squeezing my hand.

"..ow.." I mutter softly, but loud enough for her to hear.

"Shit, sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" She said, pulling her hand out of mine, and putting it in her pocket.

"No, it's fine." I reassure her.

We make it in the food and sit down at a booth.

"I'm going to get ice cream from Dairy Queen, want something?" She asks, standing up, and lingering at the table for a second.

"Just a plain chocolate."

Y/N's POV ˚˖°

I walk up to the counter and wait to order.

"Hey, what can I can for you?" A semi-tall man asks. He's got dyed black hair, and a few piercings it looks like. Looks kinda like Billie Joe.

"Can I have one chocolate with a cone, and a medium chocolate-strawberry blizzard?"

"Yeah, of course." The man smiles and goes to make the ice cream. A few minutes later he comes back and hands them to me.

"Thanks." I take them and smile, almost hesitating before asking: "Are you Billie Joe?"

"Who's asking?" He says jokingly.

"I'm Y/N L/N, I was in school with you. But we have other reasons now to uh, know each other.."

"You're the one who dated Frank right?"

"Mhm.." I nodded.

"Patrick told me that you'd probably talk to me soon enough. What did you need?"

"How long was Frank with Jamia?" I don't know why I thought it mattered, but it was the first question on my mind.

"Around 2 and half months I think. And I'm pretty sure they are still going on."

"Probably.. Um, sorry that's the only thing I can think of right now, but could I give you my number? Just in case I need something else?"

"Yeah, sure." He smiled and pulled out a small sticky-note and a pen, I wrote my number down, and he shoved the note into the back pocket of his black jeans.

"See you later, Billie!" I say, walking back to Gerard.

I place his ice cream in front of him as I sit down. I begin to eat mine as he starts to eat his.

"Are the other still meeting us here?" Gerard asks.

"Yeah, I think so." As soon as I said that I watch as a very-happy Ray runs towards us. "See, they still are."

"What?" Ray asks, tilting his head to the side, which caused his hair to bounce a little.

"Nothing. Anyways, is Mikey still with you?"

"Yeah, he should be coming here soon, said he was going to look at some new glasses first I think."

"Oh, okay then." I nod and continue to eat my ice cream.

As the three of us sat there for a bit, Ray's phone buzzed with a text. As he took it out of his pocket I glanced at the contact name, Frank.

"Frank said that he's going over his friends house so we don't have to wait for him before we leave." Ray spoke, typing back a quick response before putting his phone back in his pocket.

"He's probably going over Jamia's house.." I scoffed, taking a big spoonful of my ice cream, finishing it.

Ray glanced to Gerard, confused but didn't push anything.

That's what I like about Ray, he can kinda sense if someone's annoyed or something, and he won't push you to share your feelings.

"Oh, here's Mikey!" Ray smiled, waving his arm so he could see us and know where to sit. Mikey walked over and sat next to his older brother.

We all talked for a bit before deciding to go home. We all walked out into the parking lot and already it looked like the sun was beginning to set. I checked my phone and read the time. 7:32. Woah, I'd been hanging out with them for like 3 and a half hours, and didn't even realize.

Mikey drove again, soon enough we made it back to our houses, except for Ray obviously, but he stays here at Gerard and Mikey's house a lot.

I say goodbye to the boys before starting to walk over to my front porch, but someone tapped my shoulder to stop me.

"Hey, we never finished what we started in the basement earlier." Gerard said with a chuckle, putting his hands in his pockets.

I smile softly, happy that he didn't forget either. I lean in close and whisper into his ear, "Meet me in the clearing at midnight." I kiss his cheek with a smile before running into my front door. I could hear Ray whistling and messing with Gerard as the three of them walked back into the house.

"You're back, finally. I put your ice cream in the freezer by the way if you want it again." Lawrie says, coming downstairs with no shirt and some shorts. Just some average brother behaviour.

"I think I've had enough ice cream for at least a week." And that is absolutely true, I had a half pint before I left, and a medium blizzard at the mall. Ice cream is a lot more filling than I thought. "Anyways, I have some stuff from Hot Topic I want to try on, so I;m going to go upstairs and do that, I'll probably just stay up there so," I walk over and hug Lawrie, he kissed me on the head. "Good night Lawrie."

" 'Night, kiddo, see you tomorrow." He said letting me go and sitting on the couch.

I run upstairs and into my room, shutting the door and turning on my lights.

I actually can't wait to see Gerard later.


Words - 1,113

A/N: Whew! Sorry yes, I know, a lot is going on all at once, sorry if it's too much but I've got a lot of ideas going on all at once!

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