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Staring up at the sky, so dark with mysteries, yet so full of life. Drops of rain splattered against her skin, seeping into the depths of her soul. The sound of the roaring thunder, did no justice in making her slip from whatever reverie she was in, the heaviness in her chest felt like a ton of bricks. The misery and anguish she felt was in immerse contradiction to the sight of the lovely lilies and marigolds around her which held immerse life and beauty. The beauty of the clearing,which usually left her fascinated and speechless did not seem as beautiful and lovely as it once had. No it couldn't have, not anymore.
Letting out a cry of anguish, she collapsed to the fertile soil, gripping her most definite loveliest gown, she let out a tear of great sorrow, and soon there was another tear, and then another, up until she could feels the sobs racking through her chest. Screeching at the top of her lungs, she could only think of one thing. He was dead, her brother was dead, Jesus was dead..... Christ was gone.....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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